Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

They are brilliant. We’d be in lockdown right now without them.

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I have never heard of between 200 and 500 people in ICU with influenza in the past.


More kids than not have a cough FFS… if the plyschool is to apply that across the board it will be an empty play school …go to the doctor and you’ll be chased out the door and told to go for a covid test …go to the hospital and they’ll tell it’s the viral infection all young kids have and let it work it’s way out of them … cluster fcuk


Restrictions are coming back in because they did not do what they promised.

People are losing their minds. Children get coughs and runny noses during wintertime in crèches. If this policy was enforced across the board then some children wouldn’t be let in the door from November to March.


Did you hear about the winter flu season in 17/18?

You’re quite a fickle fellow.

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Based on modelling by a guy who has consistently got it wrong.

The U.K. have stalled our hospital numbers despite being more open than Ireland but being ahead on boosters. Israel shows that boosters drive this further on. You follow “worst case” modelling over real world evidence, do you?

90%+ vaccinated but we still have people trotting out these kinds of empty weasel statements in favour of restrictions. I guess as things have narrowed down to the night time economy again that people feel comfortable with throwing them on the scrap heap again.

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Give it another 18 months and the social credit system has finally been accepted you can have a small bit of freedom back. But no drinking, unless you want penalties


It’s mental , like I said covid pandemic has really caught a lot of the world asleep on the job …

Because the current life expectancy for Ireland is about 82 years.


Ireland is basically open. They are talking about closing the economy from midnight. This is a disaster and wrong on many levels, but it is not a Level 5 lockdown.

Fucking hell. I’m nodding my head in agreement at a cumspot post. What’s the world coming to?

cc @Bisto

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UK has deteriorated recently again.

Poor modelling aside it is ridiculous to compare what is happening now to a poor flu season.

Back off poundage …


Is it? You have to wear face nappies everywhere and need permissions slips for a shit vaccine to do things. I’d call that a very restricted society.


Won’t somebody ask poor egg head why the vaccines are so fucking shite

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The stupidity of the above comment. Another flu denier :rollseyes:

We might have mitigated some of this if we’d been a bit more proactive with mitigation measures approaching reopening. Widespread use of antigen testing would take significant numbers of cases out of circulation - we decided not to do that. A focus on ventilation would have made hospitality settings safer.

We could still give grants to improve ventilation, seems like a long term investment, it’s not like covid is ever going to go away.

He didn’t give a shit about the poor people dying of flu back then.

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The type of fickle fella who takes everything he hears from RTE as gospel, no matter how ludicrous.