Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Did she say anything about your trousers not matching your jacket?


She didn’t I picked up an auld suit so I was turned out well.

A wise woman.

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I was just explaining the analogy, the last thing I’d wast is to cause any bother.

Personally I think it’s an easy enough decision to make. Kids taking the vaccine is of no benefit to them and its hard to see what benefit it would be to anyone else.
We don’t know if there are any long term side effects, if it has a negative impact on natural immunity, if taking it once means boosters are needed indefinitely etc.
At the very least it would make sense to wait for clinical trials to conclude and long term side effects, risks etc are known and understood.



Lots of posters here have kids that age, just wondering what they’ve heard in conversations with the kids, I’m sure it’s come up?


A bit older but my 18 yo got the J&J in early July through a pharmacy of her circle of pals acquaintances etc she said all of them had got it doesn’t really surprise me then the take up for 12-15 yo would be much different

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I’m curious myself

I’d say so, I wasn’t giving my opinion there, was just commenting on an article posted which suggested that kids may pester the parents into bringing them to be vaccinated, that wouldn’t surprise me at all from what I’m seeing, they can’t wait for the jab

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At that age give or take they are in secondary school they are clued in and will want to do the right thing if parents were a bit hesitant I can see why they’d pester them to get it

I was being gentle. But now you’re being completely stupid.

That’s my experience, I’d say it’s commonplace,

Herd mentality being a big thing among young people is probably the reason? Good stuff anyway even if it is only a small risk to them

Id hope most parents would be responsible enough to put the welfare of their kids before some some stupid notions of virtue. But I see your point, there’s an extraordinary hysteria around, we can’t really expect kids to do better than their parents

What are the long term risks, implications etc?

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Another disgusting attempt to pressure people into getting vaccinated, this time aimed at parents. “My granny won’t hug me unless I’m vaccinated” reflects how much the media have brainwashed large segments of society. Anyone pushing that line should be ashamed at themselves. First of if granny is vaccinated as she should be, and assuming the vaccine works, she should have no fears from her family members. Second of all it is well established now that vaccinated people can both get infected and transmit the virus, so any fears she has of a breakthrough infection for herself apply to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people she encounters.

The facts are the risk of hospitalization for ages 0-18 from Covid are the same as the risk of hospitalization from the seasonal flu, it’s roughly around 1% of infected children, and 1 in 5,000 in the general population. A lot of people confuse a cold with the flu and underestimate how serious the flu can be especially to younger children. The risk of hospitalization from a vaccine side effect is roughly 1 in 10,000 in the general population. At least 50% of children are asymptomatic so the virus doesn’t bother them at all, and 99% recover fine after a few days illness.

Whatever about long terms effects which are largely unknown, there is the serious question of what we are doing to kid’s immune systems, both from extended lockdowns and now vaccination. The claim was that vaccination immunity lasts at least six months, but the reality seems to be for at least 50% of people it is a lot shorter. I personally know of six people who were vaccinated in May and are at home from work sick with Covid. So what will we see with children? Will the vaccine last long and what effect will it have on future infections of Covid or other infectious diseases like RSV. RSV hospitalizations in the US are as high as they typically are at the height of flu season, in the middle of the summer when it is normally dormant.

There are a lot of questions and a lot of unknowns. The media present all these questions as having black and white answers, but they have been wrong time after time, and yet people quote them as if they were gospel. It may well be that for the vast majority of children they are better off getting Covid than getting a vaccine, as many studies are showing natural immunity is stronger and longer lasting than vaccine immunity. This is especially true for those that were infected with Alpha or Delta, as the vaccines were developed for the original Wuhan strain.

Why are we not testing children for antibodies, given so many have had Covid and so many were asymptomatic?


If vaccine immunity does not last as seems to be the case, herd immunity is not possible.

Herd mentality as in peer pressure, etc. I didn’t say anything about herd immunity

Antibody testing not being used makes no sense at all.

Apologies, misread.

Just call it as it is mate.

People being sheep.

Well we’re talking about kids and teenagers so yes that’s a big part of it