Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I havenā€™t read that so maybe off the mark here, but kids in general are extremely positive towards vaccination, they canā€™t sign up quick enough, I have yet to meet a child reluctant to be vaccinated, and yes it is a common topic of conversation.

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Do you meet/discuss vaccination with many kids?


I donā€™t have children so I wouldnā€™t interact too much with them, but I assume they would be positive about it. Hereā€™s the kicker for me we were told ferments covid has very little effect on kids (covid doesnā€™t go to school etc.) But now kids have to get vaccinated. Somewhere there is a white lie we were told.

Kids donā€™t have to be vaccinated.

I do meet a lot of kids @glenshane, I have 4 of my own and we always have lots of kids in our house or around, they do talk about it and they all want to be vaccinated, itā€™s also a hot topic amongst parents and thatā€™s what Iā€™m hearing overwhelmingly.
So that pester power article may have some truth

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Or are telling. Lads talking about kids being pro vaccine as if it was the most normal thing in the world. You literally couldnā€™t make it up


Iā€™m responding to an article that was posted here and relaying real life experience


Fair enough. Make sure to bate some sense into their parentsā€¦probably just better to make a bit of a joke out of it with childrenā€¦ā€œsure kids donā€™t get covid, why would they get a vaccineā€ etc.
You could even explain what a vaccine is and how this isnā€™t one in the true sense of the word. Easy enough for a kid to understand

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It is normal for kids to be positive about vaccines. But children (some bot all) may not know the questions around the vaccine and potential downsides (very minimal) to make an informed decision for themselves. I remember when I was that age I was a fucking idiot (some argue I still am) but my parents stopped me short of doing anything permanent to myself like a tattoo.

Is it? Are we talking about teenagers?
Iā€™m totally out of touch with what kids are positive about these days. I suppose the music isnā€™t great and cinema doesnā€™t have strong role models anymore. In my day it was all sport,.music, courtinā€™ etc

But sure kids donā€™t need it, would almost certainly be better off with natural immunity and thereā€™s a hape of stuff we donā€™t know about this treatment. Better just to tell them the truth surely?

I agree. Nobody is shouting stop


A touch of the vegan cat there it sounds.

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That means absolutely nothing to me Iā€™m afraid

A vegan cat is one which has imaginary virtue imposed upon it for the benefit of its owner

Thanks for that, how does it apply to my post?
Is the suggestion that I made it up or that people said it to me to please me?

I wonder if any other posters with pre teen and teenage children have heard similar or differently? It appears to me to be almost universally welcomed by that age group

Most of my daughters friends signed up as soon as they could, we werenā€™t a bit pushed either way but the kids asked us if we had done it yet and if they could do it themselves

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At a wedding yesterday eve and there was a friend I hadnā€™t seen in years at my table, mentioned early in the night sheā€™d been out of work sick for 6 months. Turns she got covid early in the first wave. Was a serious marathon runner, had qualified for the Boston marathon at the time, reckoned she was never fitter in her life at the time. Thinks she caught it off her boyfriend who it didnā€™t affect. Was never actually tested for covid because at the time (march April 2020) if you werenā€™t old or a health care worker they didnā€™t test you they sent you home. Serious health implications, extreme fatigue and heart problems, sleeping 23 hours a day. Went to hospital a number of times and was always sent home. Finally got a referral to a respiratory consultant. He told her he couldnā€™t really find much wrong with her and since he had no evidence she ever had covid (because she was never tested for it) he wouldnā€™t follow that as line a of enquiry/treatment. She fucked him out of it and said that wasnā€™t good enough so he said heā€™d refer her to a covid clinic, then he never did. Sheā€™s a solicitor so she made a data protection request for his notes and complained him to the medical council, got the referral then immediately. Sheā€™s attending the covid clinic now still, where the most serious cases are referred to, they havenā€™t a clue how to treat her. They try various drugs to see how they work and if they improve things. She has major heart problems some days, quite regularly, she may be fine or she may walk up a stairs and her heart goes into overdrive. Wears a heart monitor and says that quite regularly her heart goes enough in a day to run three marathons. Doctors canā€™t advise if she will ever be able to work a proper full time job or run again. Or if her heart will ever recover. Mad stuff.

Same girl is of the view that the narrative in Ireland has been ridiculously skewed, fearmongering etc. Also thinks there should be no restrictions, especially now that vaccinations are in place. Her experience was the Irish health service only worked to protect itself, not her.

Recognises herself that she is pretty much a one in a million case. Pretty shit hand to be dealt.


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