Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

No it hasn’t. Denmark’s cases are going up, what’s the point of vaccination? I can’t tell if you’re purposely trying to be stupid or if this is just the level you’ve descended to.

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The bad news is the virus can still cause long covid, where the absence of symptoms can be particularly difficult to treat


How is the health system generally in Poland versus Ireland ?

The point of vaccination is so obvious that it doesn’t need to be explained to you.

For several months now you have been asking why Ireland has had relatively high case figures and have implied that it is because we aren’t using antigen testing enough.

Yet Denmark, the best country anywhere in terms of testing, is now seeing a rapid rise.

I would be open to the idea that in a summer situation, when used in tandem with a range of other non-pharmaceutical interventions, antigen testing may help somewhat, but as we move into winter the pro-antigen testing argument seems to smack more and more of fighting the last war.

It all comes back to that line from Professor Ricciardi - it was always an illusion that Europe could keep its societies open given the threat Delta poses.

People need to start strongly considering that Professor Ricciardi may be correct.

The experts that agree with me are correct.
The experts that disagree with me are wrong.

x100 pages



Yet another spectacularly dumb intervention by somebody without the critical tools needed to evaluate information on its merits or think critically.

Ok Gemma

Another one for the ignore list.

No I haven’t. You are making up things that I’ve said again. Your inability to engage in debate or with a counterpoint is startling.

See how dumb your response is?

Seems to be better at face value . No issue with capacity at the moment. You’d hear the usual horrendous stories from doctors and nurses though.


If that wasn’t your argument, well then what was your argument? Do you even know at this stage?

What’s not dumb about this response?

Allying yourself with low ability forum cranks isn’t a good look, a chara.

Refuse to engage with what some has said, make up something they said and reply to that instead, ask to repeat, something something zero covid, rinse and repeat.

Oh the ironing.

In contrast to me, you’ve been one of the most disingenuous and evasive posters here during the pandemic.

And you’re being so again.

Why do you think Professor Ricciardi said what he said? Do you not acknowledge he may have a point?

A neighbour of mine has asymptomatic long covid


Long Covid is not asymptomatic. Symptomatic long Covid (there is no other kind) can arise from an initial infection which is asymptomatic.

Would it be possible to be symptomatic at first but then for the long covid to be asymptomatic? That’s what seems to have happened him. He got a bad dose around 6 months ago.

The Mike Hunt philosophy.