Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Long Covid is a cod.

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Long Covid is always symptomatic. It is something which affects quality of life in a physical sense. Something which affects quality of life beyond the initial infection period by definition cannot be asymptomatic.

I’d call this disingenuous:

If that’s the level you want to engage at then what’s the point with you?

Something something zero covid. And on and on you go.

I’d call that post extremely disingenuous.

Why are you continuing to refuse to address what Professor Ricciardi said?

Professor Ricciardi is not some crank.

Prof. Walter Ricciardi is the President of the Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ ) since September 2015.
He is Professor of Hygiene and Public Health at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome.
Since 1993 he has held a number of key positions including President of the European Public Health Association, and has undertaken work with the World Health Organisation and the European Commission.
He has been a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom and a Member of the Executive Board of the National Board of Medical Examiners of the United States of America.
In 2010 he has been elected President of the European Public Health Association (2010-2012) and President of the Public Health Section of the Higher Health Council of Italy and he has been re-elected for a second term in both institutions (2012-2014).
In 2013 he has been appointed Member of the Expert Panel on Investing in Health of the European Commission (2013-2015).
He is Editor of the European Journal of Public Health, of the Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice and Founding Editor of the Italian Journal of Public Health and of Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health.

Address what he said.

Is hypochondria one of the symptoms?


You’re still evading.

And you’ve also proved my earlier evaluation of your pro-antigen testing argument correct.

Is this the biggest fastest internet climbdown in history?
Booster jabs for everyone won’t solve the pandemic in Europe?

I’ve not evaded. He says Holohan was right on one aspect of the use of antigen tests. However he hasn’t addressed the fact that Holohan has made every effort to block or frustrate any use of antigen tests. Holohan is wrong in that. Like he’s been wrong on mask wearing. I can do a Google and find plenty more soundbites from plenty more scientists that say Holohan is and has been wrong. Of course you’ll dismiss them because scientists are only quotable when they agree with you.

Feel free to ignore this post and make up something that I’ve said and reply to that instead like you usually do.


Ruh roh

How is it a climbdown?

Booster jabs will undoubtedly help the situation very significantly.

Three doses for every person in a country might well eliminate the virus in that country. If everybody in Europe got three doses, I think there are very reasonable grounds to expect we would be well on the way to eliminating it in Europe.

Currently we’re in a situation where 25% of Ireland’s population have had 0 vaccine doses, and only a very small percentage of the population have had three doses.

And in Europe, there are lots of countries which have between 40 and 70% unvaccinated. Even the most vaccinated countries have a level of unvaccination which is too high.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, like a poster’s opinion , to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.

Professor Ricciardi’s key point was that Europe was deluded to think it could open its societies at current level of vaccination.

It strongly appears to me he is correct on this.

Yet the argument for antigen testing was that it would help to enable this full opening. And indeed you have consistently supported that full opening at levels of vaccination which are clearly not enough.

On this question, you asked me “do you really think all of Europe could be wrong together?”

My answer was “yes”.

When will you admit you you were wrong on this?

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You didn’t know pregnant women are monitored by GPs and hospitals and yet you think you’re an expert on viruses and vaccines.

Like clockwork.

I haven’t misrepresented you in any way.

More Mike Hunt lies.

Here it is for you again. Making up things that people said and replying to that instead.

You’ve consistently supported full opening. How have I misrepresented you?

You admitted your lack of basic knowledge and tried to pass it off because you’re not a pregnant woman. Neither are you a medical practitioner so you don’t have a clue about vaccines or viruses. You didn’t know there was a flu jab up until recently. All you do here is here is highlight your ignorance.