Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Sounds like Gav is sore from being behind the curve


I have no sympathy for these mugs who bought into the vaccine as you outline above but now lack the humility to own up and admit they got it wrong. Instead they have doubled down and engaged in crazed zealotry for others to join their pharma cult. They deserve derision for their dogma. It just shows you how arrogance and fickleness are dangerous bedfellows.

I trust I won a few of their competitions only for the courier to mislay my prize.


But the vaccines did save lives ,they just didnā€™t last as long as people thought ā€¦ maybe they were over cautious when making them as it was such a rushed job

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Vaccines work. Much like the flu jab the vaccine for Covid require regular jabs. Some people believe saving peopleā€™s lives should be avoided to prevent big pharma from making a profit.

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Has that URL changed? There was an article on the RTƉ website over the weekend with the title ā€œPublic demand for new restrictions increasing - ESRIā€ that I cannot seem to put my hands on. I suspect this is what you posted, but the link has possibly changed.

Pete Lunn was on Brendan Oā€™Connorā€™s show, claiming that 49% of those asked in a study said they wanted more restrictions. Lunn is highly compromised; heā€™s a member of the Covid-19 Communications and Behavioural Advisory Group (aka. the nudge group to the Government of Ireland Department of Health, and the Department of Health have been funding a lot of his studies. Heā€™s hardly going to kill the golden goose.

I was listening to the News at One yesterday. Apart from one story about some RUC guy that should resign from some Garda committee the whole thing was about the Covid. I donā€™t know how ye do it!

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Itā€™s non stop on morning radio (Newstalk and Radio 1) whenever I have it on.

Weā€™ve 94 per cent vaccinated. The one time somebody (innocently I think) said the unvaccinated were from certain ethnic groups they were quickly shut down.

Itā€™s something else. If you were in a house with RTƉ, or even local radio, on throughout the day, your head would be melted. Principals and teachers have noticed increasing levels of anxiety and worry among students. If parents are constantly exposing them to Covid and vaccination discussions, regardless of whether itā€™s anti- or pro-lockdowns and vaccines, itā€™s bound to be having an impact.


I think community action groups should be set up to vaccinate these dirty bastards, ā€œgrab and jabā€ I call it. Groups of strong lads going around grabbing unvaccinated scum , push them up against the wall and jab their arm with vaccine, two lads holding them and another to give the jab


RTƉ is an echo chamber as well. Iā€™m like @Thomas_Brady and I havenā€™t listened or watched RTƉ since 1998.

Thatā€™s a good idea. The vigilante groups that go around catching and battering nonces could be given a dual purpose.

Genuine concerns.

Mandatory vaccination needs to be brought in Ireland

Paying people to get vaccinated! Monsters!

Typical irish going for the blame the ethnic minority when not justified in the main. The same happened with the spread at Christmas last year with the spread of covid, the LEA with the highest incidence of covid was adare rathkeale but it wasnā€™t because of this group (there probably was cases in that community) but not enough to drive that number as high as it was.

Same here, a high percentage of them (compared to the settled population) probably is unvaccinated but I imagine this doesnā€™t make up a majority of the 6% unvaxxed. Terrible carry on blaming them

Hello Bart

ā€œHello Bart. Can I help you?ā€
