Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You need to study some bean counter science.

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The freaks who jack off to pictures of Kyle Shittenhouse can confirm it’s a legit source.

Legit as America’s Frontline Doctors.

Soon to retire NIH director Francis Collins has called for prison for truth deniers.

Francis Collins is also an evangelical Christian who believes fairytales.

He should be offered a mod position on TFK.


is there still a “party atmosphere” in the vaccination centers I wonder?..

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Plenty of them on here yet they remain silent-lipped on this :woman_shrugging:t3:

That’s the clickiest click bait ive ever seen

If there is another lockdown and schools close again the dust settling period will be interesting…
I think cheasty called this right if we think things have been divisive so far we ain’t seen nothin yet

There is no media anymore just content producers scrambling for clickbait

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Do serious media outlets usually start with a massive reminder that the following article is not definite?

There is no media anymore only clickbait see above

ah yeah, look ffs this has a long way to play out yet so we need to roll with it really, I do sympathise for folk who thru frustration, desperation or both were duped into the fact that getting a vaccine would be a “freedom pass” and I know there are folk really struggling right now with the fact that we are right back to where we started, fellas can quote various “what if” scenarios but the bottom line, when and not if we go back into L5 the vaccines to most folk won’t have meant jack shit…and you can gloss up all the "where would we be if we didn’t have this all this “stellar vaccination rate” nonsense you want but people will see L5 as a failure of the vaccine…

I predict you will see huge apathy towards the vaccine going forward,…especially when the L5 comes in…they better try and get this booster out ASAP as right now the optics around the vaccine are that it is not delivering what was promised (yep I know the more scholarly amongst us who have read all the literature know this was never the scenario but to the casual observer tgr vaccine meant end of covid)…if it delivers a L5 lockdown and school closures again with 93% uptake it’s credibility to the common man will be shot and booster uptake will be very low…then the real fun and games will start


That’s an excellent analysis. I hope fintan o toole forwards it on to the Sydney morning herald and gets it printed verbatim as a view from the emerald Isle.

its really impossible to say there is a so called anti vaxx movement in this country with the 93% uptake figure…aside from a gathering of 20 or so bearded communist type lads mixed with 80s style INLA type supporters who might stand outside the GPO and from what I’ve read on here it realistically doesn’t exist…however , it will exist if a L5 comes in,
Another L5 will be like the paras opening fire in Derry on Bloody Sunday, sane, moderate folks will become radicalised and will lash out at NEPHET and the government…populist parties like SF are then capable of going anti vaccine…michael Martin will resign, Mary Lou will come into power, David Cullinane will be minister for health, booster uptake will be less than 20% and hospitals will cease to function…


There is a miniscule ‘anti Vax’ movement a complete red herring. I actually only know of two people who didn’t take it. One a complete loonball the other totally normal but v sick from it now. Presume there’s a few more but statistically absolutely negligible. You will NEVER get more than 93pc of the population to do any one thing it’s unheard of anywhere. It’s time for a different approach now, that part of it is done dusted
David cullinane is honestly one of the least impressive public or any other type of figures I’ve ever seen in my life. And I’d be positively enough disposed to SF


Ireland is headed back to the dark days of the 1950s. Sensible countries have abandoned restrictions long ago. It’s as simple as that.

Hence the title Archbishop Holohan.


The Irish love to be dominated.

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Fortunately we are in the minority.

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Cullinane is like a fella you’d see smoking outside a bookies in Ballybricken on a Thursday afternoon. Deeply unimpressive individual. Big weakness up top in a key role for the shinners.


One of my very good friends was in schools down there (DLS I think) around the same time as him - ‘a fucking dimwit’, was the kindest description I got from him on Cullinane.