Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Well at least it should be communicated more aggressively that people need to isolate when they have symptoms and seek a test. Right now there are random messages in this regard from NPHET, HSE and government.

That’s a Sid Jump right there. I doubt if any non vaccinated people want this to go on.

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Just accept that people intend the unintended consequences of their actions.


Not at all. One would have to be a true believer in magical thinking to think it’s in any way whatsoever a jump.

If somebody has a very simple and safe action available to them to do their bit to help achieve something they say they want - and they refuse to do it - they cannot be taken remotely seriously.

They do not want what they say they want. They are lying.

Anybody who refuses to get vaccinated does not want this pandemic to end and there are lots of lads here in this boat.

That’s a fact.

It’s not a fact. I’m unvaccinated and I do not want this to continue forever. I do not agree with lockdowns, nor do I agree that vaccines are the way out. Neither society nor government should dictate what medical procedure I take, when I alone take all the risks of a vaccine injury. Aside from all that, the benefits of the vaccines may outweigh the risks in the majority of people, but they do not for me.


Maybe simple and safe for most people, but not for all.

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Your non actions show you do want it to continue forever.

Your claim you don’t is based on magical thinking.

It’s based on the logic that Father Ted used when he slept in a tent and hoped God would write back to him telling him what to do when Niamh Connolly had taken the house off Dougal.

Sadly we don’t have the fallback option Ted did of just nicely asking Ms. Connolly to given him back the house. We can’t politely ask the virus to just go away.

Peanuts are not safe for all.

Maybe yis want everybody to exist on peanuts both metaphorically and literally when we get mass unemployment as a result of all this?

Take your own logic. You are proposing the virus rips around the whole population and given you remain unvaccinated the proof is there that you have no problem in it ripping through unvaccinated people.

That is as far away from safe as it gets, that’s a cataclysm for society. It’s the logic of the mayor from Jaws claiming the water is safe. It’s the logic of the Serbs telling everybody the Bosnian Muslims at Srebrenica were safe.

Let’s stick with your water and safety line. Take a hypothetical scenario of a swimmer drowning. Do you think that (a) you should the choice whether or not to jump in and risk your life trying to save the swimmer, or (b) it should be mandatory for you to jump in and risk your life trying to save the swimmer?

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You can come up with as many bullshit analogies as you like to deflect.

The simple fact is you have a simple and safe action available to you that would help to end the pandemic and you refuse to do it.

What youse lot are asking for is an extreme from of political correctness that would insulate yis from any criticism or challenge of yisser choices.

That’s snowflakery.

For me it is as simple as this.

1, The vaccine does not prevent transmission or provide immunity. As per Cillian DeGascun any many other experts - both vaccinated and unvaccinated can equally pass on the virus if infected. This fact is also confirmed by Pfizer, Moderna etc.

2, At best the vaccines prevent hospitilisation and severe illness for a number of months. No one knows but its appearing their efficacy certainly wanes at six months.

How can anyone claim that an unvacccinated person is a danger to society given the above two points is bafflying to me.

Ultimately someones medical business should be there own. It is not for society to say what anyone should take. Its a personal choice and its a dangerous road we’re going down currently.

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Would there be anybody on here who’s double vaxed but won’t get the boaster?

This would sum up that attitude. Toys out of the pram.

Time for adults to start acting like adults.

They can stick their experimental vaccines up their arse at this stage, it’s a total cod


It might be as simple as that for you but you’ve loads wrong. You know that yourself but sure you’ll only to believe what you choose to believe so there’s no point in pointing out any of those things to you.

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What’s the delay in rolling out the booster to everybody who wants it.

The six month gap between second and third shots seems arbitrary?

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I respect your point of view. You’re entitled to it it. I have firmly believed all along we are not going to be able to eradicate this virus. Vaccines are not going to do it either. Certainly not the current ones that we have.

Boosters will last for awhile. Then the cases will shoot up again. Its around in circles we’re going to go it seems and blaming 5% of society for that is wrong.

We need to hold the HSE to account. Why havent they increased bed capacity? Has the covid passports worked? Cases are through the roof. I’m certainly not to blame for that. Thankfully I’ve never caught covid myself.

I had a family member call in a couple of weeks ago to my house. Triple jabbed. She unfortunately has covid now.


Says tha lad arguing on the internet all day & night when most constructive citizens are out at work, doing their bit for society.


I’m doing my bit for the future development of vaccines. I’m part of a control group in an independent long-term study that will give a baseline of data from unvaccinated people for comparative analysis with the vaccinated population.


So what do you believe then?