Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I believe that this problem is not one that has a binary choice to solve it. Itā€™s not a choice between vaccines or lockdowns.

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I agree weā€™re not going to eradicate it. Boosters will get it under control again I expect.

Bed capacity has been increased, maybe not by enough but by quite a good. But thatā€™s almost irrelevant because we could increase beds by double and it still wouldnā€™t be enough if cases grow unchecked, because covid will grow faster than beds ever will.

You know well your other points on vaccination are wrong. Itā€™s silly and childish to carrying on repeatedly saying things you know to be untrue. Donā€™t take the vaccine if you donā€™t want - itā€™s selfish and stupid in my opinion, but it is your choice - but do try not to say things that are untrue.

Such deflecting bullshit.

What do you believe we should do if you donā€™t think we should lockdown or vaccinate?

Anyone whoā€™s gone near a pub in the last 18 months has made a conscious decision to keep this going

Iā€™m vaxed. My older kid and my wife are vaxed. I think 94 per cent vaccination rate is way beyond what anybody in NPHET or HSE could have predicted. I think that blaming 6 per cent non vaxed for everything is misguided and disingenuous.

I donā€™t think we are being given transparent information and nobody will ask for it.

The vaccine passport thing is a red herring as so much effort and attention is on something where the overwhelming majority of people are vaccinated - 94 per cent is a huge majority.

Iā€™ll get a booster shot when I can but itā€™s frustrating to see HSE deflect from their constant failings. If boosters bolster immunity then no effort should be spared to roll them out before the usual seasonal highs of respiratory illness.


Youā€™re just being wilfully silly now because you didnā€™t like the point and canā€™t deal with it.

Fairly typical behaviour from the forum ā€œcontariansā€ and ā€œfree thinkersā€.

In fact anyone whoā€™s interacted with anyone outside their household has made that decision

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I agree with the HSE is shite but I donā€™t think that the lack of increase of ICU capacity is to blame here.

Having to go into ICU is a horrific experience. The idea should be to keep people out of there.

The boosters are the way lads, fall in.

The information being given is not transparent so itā€™s hard to make any rational judgment on things. It seems odd that with 94 per cent vaccination weā€™re back to where we were a year ago in terms of health system being about to collapse.


Iā€™m not deflecting anything. There has been a complete inability in this country to have conversation on public health and the ethics that go hand in hand with it. This lack of conversation has been at its most visible at the level of government. No, we have simpletons like your good self, locked in a state of fear and clambering for the next easy solution that the government wants to spoon-feed you, hoping you can get back out for a few pints. There are huge ethical challenges associated with locking down a country and mandating vaccines. Open public debate is whatā€™s needed, as opposed to labelling dissenting voices as ā€œanti-vaxxā€ or whatever else is bandied about. The costs associated with stripping bodily autonomy from people by mandating vaccines will be far-reaching. If you cannot see that, my beliefs are unlikely to help you.

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But not once in any of that do you address the fact that at the moment there are hundreds of peopleā€™s lives at risk. Lives. Yes.

And as a result you do not address how we can manage this situation. All you can offer is an open debate on all arguments. Tell that to the people in hospital, their families or the medical people that the likes of you take for granted to go in every day and do their jobs in the most challenging of positions.

But hey, letā€™s debate it some more.



Think of who youā€™re trying to discuss this with, an RTE producerā€™s wet dream.

Seeing as you keep pushing me to give you an answer, hereā€™s one: Your best way to manage the pandemic is to get on with your life and go out for a few beers with your large-handed wife. Iā€™m a let-it-rip merchant, or have you forgotten?

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Iā€™m sorry I hurt your feelings petal.

Your sarcasm isnā€™t very good.

Have you been inside a pub in the past few months?


Whatā€™s your point?

Have you been inside a pub in the past few months?
Itā€™s a simple yes or no answer.

Yes. I have followed public health advice.