Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Vindication for Trump here.

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Well what was new in it?

Massively so

October lock-down on craggy island is a done deal I’m hearing


I’m hearing feburary at the earliest lads for the office…


Lifted in it’s entirety from @labane1917’s posts on TFK since January 2020.

Every major claim in this article was labelled a conspiracy theory by mainstream media for 18 months. The question is why? Why was there no interest whatsoever from western media to report on the blindingly obvious?

In fairness, you were dead right about the travel ban on China. Happy to admit that I was very wrong and #45 and yourself were bang on.

It’s fascinating that those who were opposed to a travel ban from China in February 2020 calling it racist, are now in favor of mandatory detention for Covid riddled visitors from Eswatini, Seychelles, Kazakhstan and Suriname.


Indefinitely too for some of them.

the lambda variant lads, its the real deal now, a proper virus

You weren’t a bit pushed? You seriously don’t care if your kids take a jab that you have no idea whatsoever what the long-term health implications for them could be? A jab for something that they are practically at zero risk of? That seems like very lackadaisical parenting.


Ah yeah, I hate my kids


@Tierneevin1979 lined it out well there the other day. Both Covid and the vaccine are generally harmless to children but being infected with Covid is still far more harmful

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Practically zero risk of going on 18 months of its existence compared a long term risk which may have no effects either?

Would you pull in your roars and mind your own business as opposed to looking down your nose at the man?

Have a look at the cost/reward piece for these vaccines and kids.

If you are as good a father as you let on - you will be doing so anyway.

If you’re not, well then @ironmoth is right.

Will you have a different opinion for their 3rd, 4th or 5th booster shot?

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I never let on to be a good father, I’m just a chap with a few kids.
But I won’t be taking parenting advice from you or your pal on this matter, so I won’t be breaking the habit of a lifetime to read your shite,

I couldn’t give a flying fuck if you think I’m a bad parent


No need to lose the plot pal.

Its a discussion board. Nothing is personal. Most of the time anyway.

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“Zuby” seems like a sound enough of expertise on the pandemic.


Fair play kid… Id nearly go as far to say that people not getting their kids vaccinated should be checked out by social services.

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