Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Seems like a nice guy. I havent checked out his music yet though.

If you couldn’t give a fuck what people thought why would you be making up some oul woke shite about pre teens being beside themselves with pre-vaccine excitement?


Again, I commented on an article with some factual real life experience, don’t shoot the messenger etc etc

“We weren’t a bit pushed either way.” That’s the same as lacking interest, hence lackadaisical. You can get all butt-hurt if you like and suggest I’m accusing you of hating your kids. I’m not.


I’m not butt-hurt, I know what you were saying and so do you,
I honestly couldn’t give a fuck, I’ll look after my kids as I see fit, I suggest you do the same and I won’t be making sly digs about it :+1:

You thought everyone would applaud you if you claimed your pre teens were all bright eyed and delirious at getting jabbed. I’d say you’d get a hape of Facebook friends for the like of that


I did yeah, on TFK :joy::joy:
Jesus you’re a ticket.

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Yes. I know exactly what you said. You couldn’t give a hoot either way whether or not your kids get the jab. It was fairly explicit, so there’s nothing sly here.


So what exactly was the point of making stuff up on the Internet?

Don’t let the crazies get to you mate

Are your kids unable to wait for the jab?

Ah yeah, you went for the jugular in fairness, you must have been delighted to get a clean shot :+1:

Dr Tony Holohan Profile picture

Dr Tony Holohan

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39m, 9 tweets, 3 min read

My Authors

As a public health doctor, I am keenly aware of the impact the public health advice has had on all in society. Making the decision not to attend work or socialise if you are displaying symptoms can be very difficult.

Similarly, choosing to leave a family gathering or social event because it doesn’t feel safe is hard and can cause anxiety.

Unfortunately, the fact remains that incidence of #COVID19 in Ireland is continuing to increase.

Our current 14-day incidence is 493 per 100,000, the highest it’s been since January 31, and incidence of disease is continuing to rise steadily in nearly all age groups and in 21 out of 26 counties.

Last Tuesday, we were seeing an average of 3 people with #COVID19 admitted to ICU per day, today, that figure has doubled to 6 people with #COVID19 admitted to ICU per day.

If we didn’t have vaccination our current 14-day incidence would be approximately 1,000 per 100,000 &we would be seeing up to 50 people admitted to hospital for every 1,000 cases reported. Instead, we are seeing about 20 people admitted to hospital for every 1,000 cases reported.

We have an opportunity over the next few weeks to break the chains of transmission by continuing to follow the public health advice that is second nature to most of us at this stage.

If you have any symptoms that indicate that you may have #COVID19 like cough, fever, headache, sore throat and blocked or runny nose - isolate and get a test immediately.

Make plans to socialise safely and risk assess as you go, meet up with others outdoors, if possible, try to meet up in small groups and avoid crowds. If you do not feel safe, then leave.

Ensure to attend for your #COVID19Vaccine when it is your turn to do so, particularly for your second dose.



Cunts should be tried for human rights violations.

Who did he copy and paste that off?

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You fucking mugs.

Getting your vaccine and the back into lockdown.

Dear, oh dear, oh dear.


You might never get infected with Covid. You choose to get the vaccine though.

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