Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Thatā€™s scary

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But itā€™s also incredibly rare that Covid would result in death for a woman in her specific case so it begs the question once you get in the u40/50 age bracket and people who have no underlying conditions, then what upside is there toward the vaccine?

But we have the likes of @glasagusban and @the_man_himself demanding people should be vaccinated or coerced or shamed in doing so.

Some people really have lost the run of themselves.

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not here to change your mind, as I know far far better than that, but the upside of getting the vaccination is that it drastically decreases the chances of contracting the virus, spreading the virus and also limiting the severity of it should you contract the virus, even if you are fit young and healthy, there is a small percentage chance that it could cause you severe illness. The risk of severe illness from it is greater than the risk of dying from the vaccination. Both are very low percentages, so I can see why some say they dont want to intentionally put themselves into that low risk category. But to say there is no upside is also wrong.

Enjoy the rest of your days postings.


Grown men scared of a little injection, fuck sake


good thread

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The upside is viewed in balance with the downside. So in essence when you consider both, there is little upside for the vaccine for fit and healthy people in the u40 age bracket.

Most people arent fit and healthy. The western world has an obesity problem.

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Exposure to Covid will cure the obesity problem. Shure the Tyrone lads were dropping a stone in no time

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Huh? Our conversation was nothing to do with short term effects leading to death as in that case

It was explicitly about how you had no way of knowing anything about vaccines despite you saying otherwise.

It was about making conclusive and definitive statements about things you could not possibly know.

I still see youā€™re avoiding commenting on the story despite demanding people take the vaccine and supporting coercion on those who make informed independent decisions not to.

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Incorrect. I said at the time that in rare cases there will be side effects but that these will become apparent quickly and not years down the line. This is correct

Incorrect and the audit trail is there for everyone to see. You were definitively ruling out things you could not possibly know.

And Iā€™ll ask again as your renowned yellow streak is permeating across the forum. Have you any comment to make on the death or young lady with no underlying health conditions from a vaccine? Given you demand fit and healthy people to get the vaccine who have minimum threat from Covid and support coercion to force them to get vaccinated then surely you must have some comment to make?

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What are the stats on people dying from vaccines and people of the same age dying from covid? Theyā€™d surely be relevant. Throw them up there.

I see yeā€™ve a grand auld Friday lined up for yerselves lads


Stats are unreliable. Covid is over counted and vaccine injury is under counted.

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I donā€™t know, mate.

It took 3 months for a coroner to connect that to a vaccine.

She was fit and healthy with no underlying conditions.

Conversely, anyone who dies after a Covid positive case within a defined period of time is arbitrarily recorded as a Covid death.

We have had 11 deaths in 100k cases up north in the u40 category from Covid - all arbitrarily recorded with no information on underlying health conditions.

You maybe should do some research and challenge the narrative a little more.

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Itā€™s important to discount evidence when making a crackpot argument.

70% in icu are unvaccinated and under 30 :scream:

and you had nut balls here on about a 2 tier society and advocating for unvaxxed to use indoor dining spaces etcā€¦

The ā€œevidenceā€ you put forward is unreliable and lacks credibility.