Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Its disgusting Tim. This Luke O’Neill character is a dangerous bastard.

He was on the late late show last year pretty much saying masks were useless. But now when we’ve 90% of the adult population vaxxed - he wants masks on primary school kids?

Who are we protecting?


Ah shur wasn’t he just trying to stop the kids from buying up all the ppe.
Lads are so brainwashed at this point that they’ll actually defend him to the hilt.


Sweden very low. Is that because they are all dead?

Can’t think of another reason

We’re testing 200k a week. It’s done. Whose making the money here

As well as saying that primary school children should be masked Luke O’Neill also said that there will be a vaccination programme for under 12s, probably early in 2022.

It’s funny seeing the deniers who for a short while saw Luke as a saviour now pivot away from him when he doles out some reality.

Lads don’t like that. They’re in the magical thinking zone.

There’s a weird crossover between the wellness industry, the airy fairy Memes Moms, the ultra-paranoid and cynical yet ultra-gullible “trust nobody and nothing, except that guy on the INTERNET” types, and your typical far right denier set.

Libertarianism is the meeting point.

And on we go.

We need a log thread for all these.

From the 1st October people in Israel will need to have the booster in order for their vaccine passport to work. They seem to be putting an expiry date of five months on the 2nd jab there now.

“We are updating our definiton of what it means to be vaccinated”

When can we get it here?

As soon as the general public demonstrate sufficient fear and stupidity. A new variant mightn’t be a bad idea, just to be sure like

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Any idea when that might be? I’d like it done before Christmas.



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Won’t be too long a wait id say pal. October probably.

Don’t be getting ahead of yourself bucko

Can we have a meaningful Christmas? Granny by the window?

Austria and Croatia have put a 270 day limit on vaccine certs.

We’ll be told to continue wear masks to stop colds and flus as they impact the health system. It’ll be hard to put the cork back in the bottle in the short term I fear.

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Boosters for everyone, fuck the poor countries

I can’t listen to podcasts at work but I’ve no real interest in what this guy says.

As I understand it the great majority of studies, especially credible studies, on ivermectin have shown it to be useless. As I understand it, the best evidence in favour of ivermectin is that it has been shown to have about a 50% effect on the virus in a petri dish but most scientists aren’t very excited by that because effects in a petri dish often don’t always translate into effects in real life and most good anti-virus drugs would have about a 90% effect on the virus in a petri dish anyway. I’m probably not explaining that very well but I don’t pretend to be a doctor.

Various posters here have claimed that ivermectin has no side-effects. That’s not true. In a lot of the real Republican towns in the US you can’t get motilium at the moment because half the town have given themselves the shits by taking the horse paste.

Here’s an Irish study in the IT this morning that also found ivermectin to be useless but there’s some other antidepressant that might be helpful. Hopefully this will be the end of the silliness but I doubt it.