Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

What’s the purpose of a vaccine other than providing immunity?

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What way will Coppers work?

Percentage capacity restrictions for nightclubs or concerts seem utterly pointless as whatever number are attending are just going to wedge into the dancefloor or the space up the front anyway.

Throw a few yellow stickers on the Coppers dancefloor. Be grand.

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Masks ffs

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Lads from the country will drink all day to hide their self loathing and then hang around the ladies bathroom area to try and engage a young woman in conversation.

When that fails they will go for a calorie laden takeaway and wake up hating themselves and go for a few pints to ease their anxiety before making their way back to Coppers…

Years later they’ll discover running and realise they have been running their whole lives but now they are running towards something.


Healthcare settings, public transport and retail only it seems.

Disaster, they can get fucked with them.

Zen won


Do pubs officially become a free for all on October 22nd?

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It would appear so.

We’ll see what happens later on I guess. They’ll be a pdf with all the detail on it

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I’ve a feeling masks are here to stay around the world whether they are mandatory or not.

The outdoor mask wearing in Portugal is off the charts.

I went to Mass for the first time since the Saturday before Cheltenham 2020 at the weekend and found wearing a mask for 35 minutes incredibly difficult.

I found the two and a bit hour flight annoying but I’m not as bothered about them as most people.

I got a drink on my flight primarily so I wouldn’t have to wear the mask for the full journey

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