Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Brid Smith fuming here on Scare Byrne over public travel going back to full capacity.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Anyway, on Ireland’s reopening plan: let’s reopen all the more risky things when the weather gets poor and people have to be indoors and at the same time as it seems vaccines will be wearing off the more vulnerable people who got jabbed at the start of the year and let’s not use antigen tests to take infectious cases out of circulation.

What could go wrong?


It’s funny when Wojaks try to sound deep.

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The communists are terrified at the prospect of people going back to work.

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As someone who thinks we should have had fewer restrictions at most stages of this pandemic, and would have had better results if we did, I genuinely think this approach is a bit dim.

At least we are consistent.

This is so incredibly true. It was the same last year. It was clear you should open things in may and probably put in restrictions in October when everyone was going to be stuck inside.

They are doing the exact same thing again.

Some people need growth and improvement, particularly if you are from a low base.

Others just need to maintain their high standards.

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Agree. The Christmas reopening was caused by public pressure, which built to such an extent because we never relaxed like other countries did through summer.

Maybe there’s more parts to go with this plan and the booster vaccines will be lashed out in jig time to over 60s etc and maybe a programme of antigen testing is going to be brought in too. No mention of that yet though.

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People are using antigen themselves now, flying off the shelves by all accounts.

Very true. You’ve to give people a break too as well and the time to do that is in the high summer. With the vaccine we should have had almost no restrictions during the good weather.

Totally agree, said that last year too.

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Every student should be tested weekly, it would take at least hundreds of cases out of circulation. Use in workplaces too.

Yeah - fair point.

The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris is an excellent book. It basically says that this constant beating of the drum of happiness around marketing and basic daily life causes more damage than anything.

It’s about acceptance, accept that what we know as life is a series of moments with experiences through emotions and thoughts and often it is outside of the control of the conscious mind. There is no such thing as a continuous state of feeling good. To expect it, and for it inevitably not to happen, creates avoidable pain.

Life is about experiencing the full range of emotions, all of which are transient.

Anyway - we’ll leave it there.


Jordan Peterson was blackguarded on tfk for saying the same thing

I broadly agree with @glasagusban and @BruidheanChaorthainn here.

The simple fact though is we should have been done with COVID since May.

And we would have been had we followed the policy of ingesting the population with that horse de-wormer @glenshane ‘s been strongly advocating since last Christmas.


You old rogue. Wumming the forum with the old horse wormer nonsense when you know rightly it’s one of the safest and most widely prescribed medicines on the WHO list of essential human medicines.

5 for 20€ in Aldi on Saturday.

Is there an announcment today? Cén tam?

Or as WB Yeats put it

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy .”