You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

didnt he write moby dick?

‘We Don’t Call Boris Johnson A Liar Enough’ – David Lammy Defends Keir Starmer On Good Morning Britain | HuffPost UK Politics (

Think that was Hermann Kelly.

It’s fascinating to watch lads, in real time, be taken in by Boris Johnson’s PR and spin.


not richard melville hall?

Tempted to do the same to Kenny for his pro cager stance

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I don’t see anything wrong really with that video. Two members of the public having robust discussions on the merits of the Covid vaccine without anything untoward really happening.

A lot of what Kenny said seems to be usual lazy lines which don’t stand up to scrutiny.

I’m finding it bizarre as to why people feel Kenny was “attacked” or “stalked”.

Obviously I don’t like the whole video footage thing but Kenny is a highly paid media personality who abuses his position to spread his views from time to time.

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for much the same reason that if someone turned up from here and started shouting at you as you did your sub 23 minute 5k, if you have an issue with what someone in the media says, you do it on the media. Following him in his own private time is stalking no matter what way you want to spin it.

  1. You have to be mental ring I to Pat Kennys show

  2. Confronting him about your appearance on his show while he is walking his dog and recording it definitely will show you are not mental

You seem to be getting a bit hysterical here. There was no shouting that I heard there, I saw someone questioning a highly paid public figure who was abusing his position in lobbying for people who refuse the vaccine to be removed from their job. He challenged Kenny on it public and they had a robust discussion of it.

I don’t see anything untoward on it. If you’re a public figure you will get attention when you’re out and about on your daily business.

I don’t like the recording of the conversation but I don’t have other real issue. He was not threatened or verbally abused.

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Omicron is unstoppable


Omicron is omnipresent

Hysterical? Grand, have a good evening of it bud. Ye might get it sorted today, I can feel it.

Can we get rid of anti social distancing now?

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Basically the honeysuckle of variants


Covid has made science its bitch again.

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Yes hysterical.

Why you chose to use to embellish the story with “stalking” and “shouting” shows quite the hysterical nature of your take when you actually then look at the video? You care to address that?

There was no intimidation, threats or verbal abuse in that video whatsoever. It was another person challenging the views of a highly public broadcaster who abused his position to promote his personal views.

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Never did but that wouldn’t stop you. The truth is irrelevant in your world.

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Denying it now are we?