You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Well if that wouldnā€™t encourage you to get half a dozen boosters nothing would

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Boosters take time to work. Thereā€™s a reason you arenā€™t considered boosted until two weeks afterwards.

I just donā€™t understand how people on TFK donā€™t get this. I expect no better from Qewan, Conor Riocht and all those Twitter freaks but TFK represents the creme de la creme (as they say in France) of online analysis and opinion. These dumb and ill-conceived views undermine all of us. In some cases, itā€™s purposely dishonest. We wonā€™t have any kind of reliable read on omicron until around mid January, and itā€™ll still be a kind of preliminarily read at that point. I was over at the Celtic game yesterday and Iā€™ve returned even more certain in my mind that we need to adopt a zero Covid approach ASAP.


Guys, cases are going to surge to record levels into January most likely.

This happens every winter, though the Sociopaths only seem to have got vocal about public health needs when flu was rebranded with an aggressive marketing campaign.

Cases go up, cases come down, cycle repeats. This has happened across the world regardless of vaccines, restrictions, lockdowns etc. Unless you want to lock up infected people in concentration camps this is what will happen. Get used to it.


Donā€™t be giving them ideas


Well the Lockdown Loonies basically tried every other trick from the Fascist playbook so why not.

Ryans was uncontrollable at the weekend.


Yeah disappointing enough Conors graphs had me fooled into thinking he was providing dispassionate fact based analysis and didnā€™t have an agenda like 99pc of people heavily involved in this debate. I suppose if you werenā€™t obsessed with being right why would you bother spending loads of time on it. Itā€™s kind of like why only cunts get into politics

From what i see no pubs are enforcing the rules.

Some interesting data from the north.

Excess deaths are up by 113 in Nov 2021 compared to Nov 2020.

Covid deaths in the north are down by 134 in Nov 2021 compared to Nov 2020.

So weā€™ve effectively had 247 excess non-Covid deaths this November as opposed to last November. And is there anything about it? No. Itā€™s not Covid so nobody seems to care.


Itā€™s all a bit mad (Ted). Lots of people have lost the head completely. Some have set up a load of anonymous Twitter accounts pretending to be medical professionals to put forward the narrative of their ā€œsideā€. Others have tried to find different niches in areas like data analysis. Plenty of pie charts, bar charts and graphs doing the rounds. Then thereā€™s those trying to monetise their expertise with podcasts and patreons etc.

Do you remember that Twitter account DannyCare2Much or something at outset of pandemic? His tactic was to reassure scared people by highlighting the excellent government response and outlining how our metrics compared favourably to other countries. Heā€™d then selectively get involved in private one-to-one chats and dupe loads of these idiots into sending him money.


It was tremendous fun.

You should have said hello.

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The fact you canā€™t see a GP without a negative Covid test is a disgrace.

Iā€™m sick.

I hear that but we need to make sure itā€™s not Ccvid before we see you.


Itā€™s an outrage.

Covid is the only thing youā€™re not allowed to die or get sick from anymore.

Everything else is fair game it seems.

Covid tunnel vision has caused severe societal issues that people are too thick or too fanatical to see yet. Spending so much resources against a mild respiratory virus which is of no harm to 99% of the worldā€™s healthy population is beyond crazy.

Imagine we tried to fight cancer, obesity, alcohol or susbtance addiction etc with the same vigour as Covid has been given?

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If there was a cure for any serious illness youā€™d refuse it and rage against anyone that decided to take it you daft bastard.

Misinformation Mike strikes again.

Iā€™d have no problem receiving treatment or medical attention for something that impacts my health and wellbeing.

Iā€™ve no problem with vaccines but I would gauge them on the basis of what they protect me from and how proven and established their effectiveness and any potential side effects consequences are. In this case, I deem Covid to be of inconsequential risk to me and I think itā€™s beyond proven now that they do little to quell transmission. While there is little chance of anything bad happening as a result of the vaccine, the fact the things its supposed to prevent is of little risk makes my decision easy.

Now maybe if showed a bit of manners, a bit of respect and a bit of tolerance, you might not decide to go down your toxic route of mispresenting the views of others so you can justify your fanatical, extreme views.

Good day.

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He was nasty that one. He was frightening people as well. I remember he posted up a long thread about how dangerous Covid was for young people and how you wouldnā€™t want to catch it.

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Man follows Pat Kenny and asks him does he look crazy. Stalking a radio presenter to give their anti vaccine point is not at all crazy, totally normal in fact.


Pat handled that very well in fairness to him.