Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Pre & post. Questionable decision of putting the young lads on a bus together up to Galway :man_facepalming:t2:

Some suggestion that one of the panel had been tested and went to the match before getting his results back

Ah here. Sure that’s ridiculous carry on and completely against guidelines.


Hope she’s ok. You’re doing the right thing by staying at home to protect the other kids in school.


Martin is an amateur, he allowed NPHET to tweak the levels on day one and that was that.

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The Airticity u13, u15 and u17 fixtures have continued in Dublin under Level 3. The FAI think the rules are for other people. Hardly surprising when you consider they had The Wolf of Waterford as CEO until very recently.


The chairman defending it isn’t a great look either

This lockdown will be an ideal opportunity to flatten the curve and give the HSE time to build more capacity in ICU and create a world class track and trace system


Hope all is well lad.

I’d imagine this kinda thing is happening a lot with teachers

The chairman sounds like an absolute simpleton. He obviously signed off on the bus too.


Only Leo can save us

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Interesting stuff, where did you see that?

Where did you pull that from?

Data on Hospital and ICU Admission rates here

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If ever there was a sign I spend to much time on TFK / the INTERNET, I was coming back from dropping my child at crèche and I thought to myself…today would be a great day for @Tassotti to return from his hiatus with a pro-NPHET, pro-hard lockdown stance.


Oireland Oireland Oireland

Just came out of Supervalu in bunclody there. A ladt bought twenty (20) tins of tomato soup in anticipation of lockdown

Today has the potential to be a top, top TFK day, I presume there will be no offeeshal announcement made by government until this evening at the earliest.