Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

This chap is saying Dublin is getting out of control and predicting 1,500 cases (at a minimum) per day in two weeks. Let’s see if he’s right

Has McConkey said anything so far today?
Or will he wait for an invite to the news or prime time

923 cases up north from 5783 tests :open_mouth:

Can you clarify how a situation like that occurs mate?

A guy gets ploughed down by a bus and they would do a swab test?

There’s a big pyramid of dead bodies on the street of Aughnacloy.

754 positive tests from 15880 swabs in the past 24 hours. 4.75% positivity rate.

Positivity rate for the last 7 days is 4.2% . Hasn’t been this high since first week of May.

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Deaths through the roof in Europe…

I’d imagine we’re headed for a lockdown with a closure of the off licences to go with it. If that happens I expect I’ll finally find out what a lot of those bottles on the drinks trolley taste like. Stuff like Noilly Prat, Aperol, Blue Curocao, Pastis, Dry Sherry.


They’re better off god bless’em

How can you drink alcohol knowing that the virus thrives on it?

Chilled pastis with a splash of water is a very civilised drink. Aperol is lovely, especially mixed with gin.

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I could just see people taking more drugs as a result which would have even worse consequences. Pubs will have ample stock to get rid of so there will be a nice little black market trade along with imports from the north.

Some lads on here could do with a break from the liquor. Won’t do them any harm at all.They might even get out and do a bit of exercise.

He had a good run and was winning the internet for a while. It’s probably in his own best interest.

bookmark it

Surely a bottle of Limoncello in there as well.

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He is an associate professor. He isn’t a virologist, epidemiologist or mathematical academic.

Why is he quoted in the first place?

As it happens, he is wrong and a liar. RTÉ who “seek the truth” just print it verbatim.

Dublin 7 day average
Sept 1st: 43
Sept 7th: 70 (+37%)
Sept 14th: 114 (+39%)
Sept 21st: 153 (+34%) [level 3 was declared on Sept 19th]
Sept 28th: 160 (+5%)
Oct 5th: 167 (+4%)

Oct 7th’s 7 day average was 165, a decline in 2 cases from Oct 5th and a decline of 5 since the previous week.

Dublin’s growth rate was moderating before level 3 was introduced but if you want to take your win on level 3, it’s there.


Oh I know he’s wrong. They’ve all been wrong. Each and every time.

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He isn’t just wrong on the prediction, he is wrong on the facts on the latest figures. The figures are declining, if anything.

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How many more ludicrous predictions will McDonkey get wrong before he’s pulled from TV?

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