Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You’re right, MHQ makes absolutely no sense.


Sometimes it’s all too much to take.

I’ll have to put a bed under my bed, just so I can hide under the bed under the bed.

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That’s not much of an answer to a considered point. MHQ certainly makes sense. You might not like it but there absolutely is logic and sense behind it.

The most important thing in terms of opening up society is opening up your internal economy - not overseas travel. MHQ is designed to help in achieving that aim.

Has Hot Lips said that NPHET is very concerned about the Indian variant yet?

Sounds to me like things are on a knife edge.

The next two weeks could be crucial.


If the Covid doesn’t get ya, the killer fungus will.

What the fuck will be next, fucking red fungus or something.

It isn’t. MHQ as we operate it is a stupid nonsensical worthless and heartless initiative. I set out what I saw wrong with it in a post replying to you there yesterday or the day before but you didn’t reply.

Our system of MHQ is indefensible in my view, it’s one of the most worthless mean and embarrassing things an Irish government has done.


Fire up your previous response again so.

Saying something is “heartless” is not an argument. If you’re serious about fighting a pandemic and opening society safely, the nature of good policy is that yes, it will require very difficult sacrifices on the part of some people. I was a victim of this myself because I could not see my dying father for 22 days while he was in hospital - but I accepted that I could not because it was for the greater good.

Again I ask you, what would the benefits of allowing a wide spread of B.1.617.2 be for Ireland?

Oh come off it would you.

It’s a serious question. What would the benefits be?

It wasn’t mate

You are saying all the Jews killed in concentration camps by Nazis could have just saved themselves by not going to synagogues ?

and we’re off!

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Over 10% of the population born abroad
Millions within the Irish Diaspora
Hundreds of thousands employed in tourism and aviation, and their families

It goes beyond a small minority then. All when you have an open border and different form of trading.

The U.K. remain off the MHQ and will continue to. Even the clowns in NPHET and the DoH saw the impact on trade of a brief pause to travel over Christmas.

Sadly many were grabbed by their cousins down in Australia having a BBQ and a pint and won’t admit they were wrong. You see the various statements of “I support MHQ but don’t support X” when each case comes up but you fundamentally don’t support MHQ if you don’t believe in it being implemented like in Australia and New Zealand. Both of those countries decided to become hermit states that threw out fundamental citizens rights, but are prepared to eat the shame of things like locking citizens out of their country, unlike Ireland.

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Of course it was. If pre-Covid visiting rules had been allowed, that means I might have visited the hospital 44 times in those 22 days. I could have had Covid and brought more of into the hospital, infecting people inside the hospital, or I could have picked it up in the hospital and spread it to people outside the hospital, who in turn could have passed it on to others, and so on.

And that goes for the relatives of everybody else who was an in-patient in the hospital too.

Saying that it wasn’t for the greater good is demonstrably wrong.

There’s a bit of a difference between seeing him 0 times and seeing him 44 times

Any chance you could write in English next time?

I really don’t think that’s a helpful contribution to a bereaved person.

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