Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

As sorry as I am to have to engage with you, I feel obliged to say that secular jews can and have been subjected to anti-semitism. Individuals with jewish ancestry, who didnā€™t even consider themselves to be jewish, were murdered in the holocaust. Jews are as much as race as anybody.


Ashkenazi or Sephardic?

Jew schwein anyway

Aye, Rachel Riley and yer wan singing for Israel in the Eurovision are part of the same race.

Iā€™m part of my own race, made up of just me. Iā€™m a different race to everybody else. Youā€™re part of the rat race.

In fairness I donā€™t think anyone will argue the toss with you on that.


On the subject of that twat, what was the outcome of the recent defamation suit she was involved in?

I had to Netscape it but I believe she LOST.

Just had a google. She seems to be involved in TWO libel cases, neither of which are resolved. I really hope the first headline turns out to be minimally correct.

How would the Indian variant have arrived in Ireland?

It didnā€™t. We lock people up for no reason so that variants canā€™t get in.

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You can forget about summer holidays.

Dr Death is worried about the rising no of the Indian variant in Ireland.

His latest fear project.

Forget about summer lads

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Boris gung ho for June 21 still, sees nothing in the data to concern him over the Indian variant but Holohan does.

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Forget about it the Indian variant, the new Yorkshire variant is even more deadly

This post makes no sense. B.1.617.2 is in Ireland. The reason we have mandatory hotel quarantine is because we donā€™t want to bring more of it in. Itā€™s certainly an imperfect solution but there is no perfect solution.

Saying ā€œwe are locking people up for no reasonā€ is categorically wrong.

What would the benefits of allowing a wide spread of B.1.617.2 be?

I can think of precisely none.

Youā€™re right, MHQ makes absolutely no sense.


Sometimes itā€™s all too much to take.

Iā€™ll have to put a bed under my bed, just so I can hide under the bed under the bed.

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