Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

They will have to start closing off the pedestrianised streets with barricades. When the crowds displace somewhere else like Phoenix Park, Stephens Green, Marley Park they will have to close off those too. Young people may eventually get the hint and book some holidays in Santa Ponza and Ibiza and spend their hard earned PUP there.


If you read the thread, she goes into the paper and basically destroys it.

Fun and socialising needs to be banned to help us beat this virus - which currently has 90 people in our hospitals out of 5,000,000.


Of course not, really shows up how silly your post was.

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Open the pubs

Shoot Curtis

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No one could have foreseen it sure. Only everyone.

Ardent OIUTF’er Prof Luke O’Neill has pivoted to LIDTF.

Dr O’Neill, who is Professor of Biochemistry at Trinity’s School of Biochemistry and Immunology, said: "We don’t know what is going to happen with the variant that originated in India.

Speaking on RTÉ’s Brendan O’Connor programme he added: “If we see an increase in severe disease from the Indian variant in the UK, it might be time to slow down the reopening slightly here.”

Prof O’Neill said the next three or four weeks are critical. "We have a race now to get the vaccine out. Once Israel had reached 70% of people having the double shots, then they opened up more.

“We should be getting the double shots out as quickly as possible.”

Independent councillor Mannix Flynn, who represents Dublin’s southeast inner city, said he witnessed what he described as a “free for all” on the capital’s streets last night.

"I was in town myself and the atmosphere was quite hostile in places. People were not drinking lemonade.

That’s pretty shocking in fairness. There should be more bins and all but just fucking bottles all over the place is pretty shitty behaviour

Dub scum

Did a bit more digging on this and the 2020 paper she is referring to is from Norwegian and English virologists (Susrud, Sorensen and Dalgliesh). It doesn’t claim that CoV-2 was engineered, it says it’s a chimera with the spike protein segment of the genome inserted into a coronavirus backbone, and this could happen naturally or have been made in a lab. I haven’t seen their new paper yet, the first one was peer reviewed and published, the new one is awaiting peer review I’d imagine.

Any explanation as to why there was arrests? I assume public order. I don’t have an IT sub

Public order offences

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With that many on the beer it’s a normal night so. Good work by AGS

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Good man Shane. Galway good value for their 1st quarter lead here
Edit - possibly on the wrong thread here


If I’ve learned anything over the course of my life it’s that people who like films with Will Ferrell in them are utter simpletons.

Gearoid Hegarty once again proves that rule.

Doesn’t strike me as the mindset of somebody who cares very much about the lot of the ordinary person in society.

But sure I suppose if a few lines of your faux virtue signalling etc etc etc


You’ve a lot more to learn yet

What he also said was that in relation to Israel waiting until 70% getting two shots to open up, “we should possibly be similarly cautious”.

Watch the OIUTF crew now pivot to Luke O’Neill being a crank.

It’s important to tell it like it is about simpletons like Hegarty and his simpleton followers.

Let’s abolish medical expertise and listen to loudmouth hurlers.