Cost of building

Don’t be so tight.Look at the peace of mind you’ll have when it’s done it’ll be priceless

125 quid for a metre of concrete now inc VAT and it’s going up in a few weeks again. Poor bastards building houses.

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How much was it?

I paid about 92 three years ago.

That was cheap auld mica concrete though.

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Lots of complaints about the concrete levy which is understandable but why are the MICA lot so against it? They keep saying that the government won’t target those responsible but surely this scheme is a way around that, with many of those responsible getting hit now that couldn’t be under other avenues?

Not ideal to be sure and suboptimal when one of the big issues is costs but is it that the 100% redress crowd want to pretend that the money for them isn’t taking away from something else?

They should have put it on commercial building only.Houses are expensive enough.

How much would that generate?

The MICA crowd want 100% redress yet are anti tax

It seems fairly typical of Ireland in demanding that the State does something and talking of magic money trees. I suppose if the house buying public are paying for their McMansions that there is a threat that the 100% campaign will lose popular support.

they are claiming that the levy will generate €80m per annum. Considering how many people they will piss off over this, I’m not sure its worth it. I still dont get why they arent going after the quarry. And their own failings in certification procedures.

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What ever they want.

Yeah probably not but something has to pay for it.

I think it should have been a one off % tax increase on the whole population. The MICA crowd can’t claim that this money will come from the sky, ultimately the general public will share the burden (which is fine, but we need to be clear on that).

Ultimately through general taxation it will come from the general public. I dont know the best way of getting this funds, whether through an additional known tax or just by using funds already within their disposal. I’m still not sure why no one can clearly say why the company or its insurance company are not involved though.

No easy clean up here.

Go after suppliers and they up the price regardless

Builders won’t be absorbing it either.
A lad building a house in Kerry paying a levy due to the actions of a quarry in Donegal is a bit mad to be fair.

maybe @croppy_boy can tell us which people should lose out to fund these mansions?

Is ‘Homebond’ still a thing?

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Was it ever a thing

Why don’t you ask your buddy Darragh O’Brien?