COTY Grand Final 2009

After three weeks of cunt-throat competition, we’re finally there. The 2009 COTY Grand Final. And what a battle it will be. The contenders are of the very highest standard. I invite you run the rule over them below. The very best of luck to all.

Poll closes Wednesday at 4:45

[center]Bertie Ahern
Age 58. Drumcondra native.
Disgraced former Taoiseach, celebrity anorak wearer. Devout socialist. Amnesiac. Doesn’t believe in having a bank account. Loves the Dubs and Man United. Man of the people.

Liam Cahill
Age unknown. Waterford native.
Owner and administrator of the website An Fear Rua. Particularly fond of banning and/or engaging in condescending one upmanship with long time posters. Also uses the popular Photobucket website.

Beverley Cooper-Flynn
Age: the double chins make her look older than she is. Mayo girl.
Class act. Had a very troubled childhood as she was constantly moved between three different houses. You try doing that. Good legal negotiator.

Michael Galwey
Age:43. Currow, Co. Kerry native. Self styled “ligind”.
Former Kerry footballer and Munster and Ireland rugby player. Good character witness, always sticks up for his friends. Never does things by Halveys. Likes a drink.

Eoghan Harris
Age: 66. Langer. Literally cancerous stain on Irish journalism.
Missed his vocation as a rugby player as he moved effortlessly from the left to the right wing, way out on the touchline. Wants to win this trophy to honour his mentor.

Rody Molloy
Age: 40 – 70 ish. Biffo crony from Offaly.
Selfless public servant. Gives good value for money. Makes full and prudent use of the budget available to him. Comes across particularly well in radio interviews.

Brendan O’Connor
Age: 38. Gives a bad name even to Cork people.
Reigning champion back in the house. Sticks up for the little people, fearlessly attacks the government in his columns. Witty and urbane chat show host in the Johnny Carson mode.

John O’Donoghue
Age: 53. Hometown: Cahirciveen
He’s “Expenses Man”, went to Cheltenham and Cannes
He’s John O’Donoghue, considerably richer than you
He’s the Bull, he’s got a lot of pull in the Dail, he’s loyal to Fianna Fail
He won’t be flying Ryanair yet, he’s going to stick to the government jet

Gerry Ryan
Age: 53. Hometown: Clontarf.
COTY Runner Up 2008. Fat ignorant shit.[/center]

This is too hard

John’O and Gerry Ryan are the same age; jays

An extrordinary line up in fairness; what a year 2009 turned out to be.

Personally I think they’re all winners.

So I’ll be convening a special convention with my own base for their voting instuction.

This is a tough one. Would love to see Cooper-Flynn win one but she doesn’t deserve it on her 2009 form. Molloy and O 'Donoghue are the stand out candidates. Fuck it, Cooper-Flynn gets the Galway vote cos she’s a Mayo cunt too.

I’m torn between Rody Molloy and Mick Galwey…

And made a show of ye yesterday

Tough, tough call. I’ve been voting for Cahill all the way through but I think its enought that the cunt made it to the final. Its between Bertie, John O’, Roddy Molloy and Gerry Ryan for me.

After listening to Bertie on Gay Byrnes show last night I came to the conclusion that he is indeed a cunt.
John O’ just shows everything thats wrong in politics
Molloy shows everything that’s wrong in this State
Ryan is a fat fuck who encourages other fatties to lose weight…

G Ryan shades it for me but not voting yet, need to think about it.

AFR out to an early lead.

Hard to see him caught from here tbh.


Its been a cracking thread/threads. Very well run. thelinkwalshesque almost.

:clap: :clap:

i’ll be very disappointed if AFR wins this and it will totally devalue the competition. In the grand scheme of things he is insignificant and does not deserve recognition on the same scale as John O’Donoghue, Bertie, Rody etc.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dear Rocko,

I wanted to see what the score was in the voting.
But that seems to mean I enter a null vote.
And as you removed the abilty to delete your vote means I’m essentially voteless.

Can this be fixed so you can see the tallies without your vote being deemed null.

The Benevolent General Krull
All hail Krull and his glorious new regime!

Fuck, I don’t know. Curiosity got the better of you eh?

I’ll see what I can do later but as you may have realised I’m having trouble figuring out the mechanics of the poll script.

A fantastic gathering of cunts for the final. I haven’t voted yet but on an initial read through the racecard I’m tempted by John O’, Bertie and the great Gerry Ryan. That’s just a fantastic photo to illustrate what the man is all about.

I voted for Galwey. Using your celebrity to help get a another cunt off charges is the height of cuntishness

What’s the voting in running Julio?

Between O Donoghue, Bertie and Harris for me. Harris the most likely as I just had to listen to the smug cunt on the radio. Will have to calm down and give it the consideration it deserves.

BTW very well run Sid

Galwey, Cahill and O’Donoghue showing strongly. No vote for Bert yet :blink:

Bertie winning would be the best thing for the credibility of the site. Cahill winning would be an embarrassment.

Cahill even being mentioned as a candidate is an embarrassment, what is he only an egotistical site moderator. He is ahead of Fingleton, Fitzpatrick, Sheedy, McCreevy and their other pyramid scheme conspirators but then again the internet is serious business.

A vote for “Gaillimh” is a vote for everything that is wrong with Munster Rugby / Toyota PLC

I’ve made the same mistake before. It’s heartbreaking isn’t it!