I even made the same mistake myself in one of the heats Fran. The gremlins are still with us. Therefore I moved swiftly and decisively to vote for Harris. But like in Gaelic Football, it’s the Kerrymen who are proving dominant over the Cork contingent at the moment.
But every contender has at least one vote. What a standard.
Don’t waste a vote on Cahill
There are truly legendary cunts in the list that are worthy of voting for, worthy of the title and worthy of the crown
For me this isn’t an impulse vote, I’ll take my time to consider the issues and lay my vote at the feet of the biggest cunt of 2009
There is WTB but I can’t quite figure it out. I thought I made changes to make that happen but something else is interfering with the code and displaying them anyway.
I would like to reiterate “Gaillimhs” cuntishness amongst my TFK brethren.
This man took the stand and gave a character reference to a former colleague who had driven while being so drunk that he barely knew what side of the road to drive on. This fella then ploughed up a hard shoulder driving into a parked car killing a poor innocent child. If there’s any justice in the world, “Gaillimh” will be hit by a drink driver himself at some stage.
He is also likely to appear at every social event imaginable related to Munster PLC. He’s held up as one of these Munster “liginds” when in fact it’s the like of him who have resulted in all those hateful cunts who tell us to shush when we’re in a pub hundreds of miles away from a game while “ROG” lines up a kick.
I plead with those of you still undecided, to give your vote to the uber cunt Mick Galwey.
The vote has been cast to reflect the shambles left behind by Rody Molloy.
While a path of sackings and fraud charges leads from the Audi skidmarks left behind him; I am more awakened by the damage he has done to the generations of Irish trades men and women by his total self interested style of leadership and management of the State Training Agency.
His greed is more remarkable than the skills and training FAS were mandated to provide to Irish men and women.
I voted for him myself, but to use the Munster PLC stick to beat him with is a bit hypocritical don’t you think. Leinster have eclipsed anything Munster had in bandwagoning stakes, shite talk etc.