Coup watch

Where would one find the application forms to request a left wing coup in Israel?

Might not be coup-related. Possibly to do with the Eurovision. Who knows

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The Eurovision has been the match to the european powder keg. In years to come, Eurovision 2024 will be spoke about in similar terms as the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.


I say, ā€œDonā€™t you know?ā€
You say, ā€œYou donā€™t knowā€
I say
ā€œTake me outā€



Can we Czech that itā€™s not an attempt from another nation?

Slovakia werenā€™t in the Eurovision.

Maybe the shooting has been carried out by a pro-Eurovision extremist angry that Slovakia didnā€™t participate?

We need to be wary of these white, pro-western nut jobs

71yr old suspect. Thatā€™s some way to go out.

White, pro western = lone wolf
Black/brown/russian = terrorist / extremist

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Itā€™s all kicking off.

He was never going to fit in those doors.

Possibly a good time to do it when Copa America is on?

Not sure have the army picked a side here or are they making their own play?

The South Americans love a coup

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Did you ever read the book about the English lad who was jailed in La Paz for drug smuggling?

Thereā€™s a Ballystinion on the ground in Bolivia

Probably started it

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No but thatā€™ sounds interesting.