Coup watch

Not all over, very targetted where they are

African Hardwood is the new gold apparently

Imagine if yerman turned up over and he faked his death. Would be box office

Imran Khan sentenced to ten years for espionage. His crime(s)?

  1. Being, in the words of the US government, “aggressively neutral” regarding Ukraine
  2. Presenting his people with a letter proving the US was behind his arrest…

He got five more for “illegally marrying”.
His wife did too.

Pakistan is probably in the lowest three places of countries I’d like to visit. It screams absolute hellhole for a culchie post 9/11.

Stitched him up good and proper.
Aggressively neutral. You literally couldn’t make it up. It’s only a matter of time before the USA blows up in all of our faces- fuck acting with a nuclear power…a friendly one at that.

Pakistan, a land of political double crosses. The yanks needed Pakistan for a few years, but couldn’t control them. They havn’t many, if any strong allies outside of the islamic world now. Saying that, India are too smart to partake in anything apart from toy soldier skirmishes along the border. Modi needs that economy to keep ticking to continue his run. As for the american spiel, I wouldn’t trust ANY claim, regardless how believable or unbelievable from a Pakistani politician. Always try to look beyond the story, my friend.

The story is espionage. The reality is a coup. Thanks

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I am very proud to hold my hands up as if you were LAPD in this situation, and give you an ‘I don’t know’.

I’ve to seriously reevaluate my thoughts on Pakistan

I’m going in ten days. I’m looking forward to it.

I wouldn’t mind an aul outfit. Let the balls breathe a little bit compared to this restrictive western fashion. I, in a fit of fantasy and boredom one day tried to put together a picture of what it would look like to be on the run from western authorities, but very wealthy in Pakistan and looked up the most sublime of offerings in the rental market in their main cities. I could smell the photos.

There was a fantasist who wrote a book along those lines… Shantaram. Set In India tho instead of Pakistan.

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Just reading about all this mad shit in Haiti. The gangs have run the president.

We could do with someone taking ours for a run

Whats the bigger picture here- are the yanks at it again?

Can’t be the Russians anyway. The Kremlin was flat out trying to ensure the Irish constitution was kept as it was


The Yanks were at it a while back and the place is still in shite from it

Does Denis O’Brien still have a handle on the telecoms scene there?