Coup watch

If the proverbs of erasmus taught us anything it is that sometimes the devil you know…

Sure this cunt was the fella over in Syria murdering everyone and he raised Bakhmut to the ground.
He’s not exactly the hero Russia has been looking for. Or knowing them cunts. Maybe he is

If this kicks off Putin will go full mobilisation surely. How much do the people love him really.

Is he more Tsar Nicholas than Lenin.


Most def

Putin is very popular but he’s facing the russian equivalent of glas, cheasty etc…lads with unrealistic, misinformed and silly notions about victory within a fortnight, good vs evil etc.
Putin is trying to fuck Ukraine without drawing in nato. Glaski and Cheatski want him to flatten kiev

I assume those messages are russian for Fuck Tipp?

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Has Prigozhin over egged his pudding? Does he have much support outside of his own private army?

Prigozhin denies Russia’s favorite myth that Ukraine shelled occupied parts of Donbas for eight years. He “reveals” Ukraine was not about to attack Russia by 24th February.

Outstanding insight there.

Hes just confirming what the rest of the world knows, throwing putin under the bus. All turning on themselves. How long long before russia falls apart? Going to be a dangerous time with 2 nuclear armed states dissolving, russia and Pakistan

You’d wonder at the UN, Amnesty international, the OSCE and western media pushing this myth…all putin puppets i suppose?

In all fairness Ukraine were never a threat to Russia. Whatever about nato meddling in Ukraine, it was only a pawn in their game, putin still invaded

His army are half former military pros and half prison convicts so it’s difficult to say how much use they would be. Then again the Russian military is hardly an elite fighting machine. It would seem from his moaning Putin stopped arming them a few months back so not sure what they have access to. I presume he is hoping to win over a lot of the military to his side.

If, and stills a big IF, it is happening at all, I would imagine the parallels historically are the Russian Civil War and the Spanish civil war. Where there weren’t two sides, but about 40 who gradually coalellesed around each other after spending half the war fighting each other.

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It could potentially be a desperate throw of the dice from Prigozhin too, perhaps Putin had already decided to move against him and he got word. A string Russian generals have come out with messages against him, so it’s hard to see if he has any support outside his own group.

100% is. He’s on the run from Putin. He had to make a move

Ukraine themselves weren’t but successive us governments surrounded russia with nuclear weapons despite agreements made by both parties but kept by russia alone. There was no threat of invasion, just a constant chipping away at alliances, undermining of economic ties and, finally, the attempt to remove russia’s nuclear fleet from a port which they’d leased from ukraine. It was downright stupid, unnecessary and hostile. Whether or not putin should have gone into crimea is irrelevant once he did. Crimea was russian in every way except legally and it was suicidal for the west/ukraine to move to take it back
I don’t know to what extent putin felt loyal to the russian majority living within eastern Ukraine but their persecution by kiev wouldn’t have gone unnoticed or unfelt in russia.
Whatever. Its a war that American wanted more than putin or zelensky. It could have been settled on numerous occasions but for the belligerence and interference of biden and johnson
War’s a racket.

I don’t think Putin wanted a war.

I believe he firmly believed he would take Ukraine in a week.

He waited until Europe looked divided and weak with Brexit won & nationalist vote increasing in France.
The German energy dependency also made him cocky.

In truth, without American intervention to prepare Ukrainian forces & the populations resistance he would have achieved his Ill judged aims.

If Putin didn’t want a war he probably shouldn’t have started one. He had Crimea back already and was getting away with it

Sort of harry. Asks for negotiations in September, December and February 200k soldiers and he negotiates the april deal at the first opportunity?
I think he wanted to renegotiate the same old deal at the first opportunity and head off the ‘invasion’ of crimeabut he colossally misjudged the situation, thinking a bit of posturing would be enough. Who knew what a callous decrepit scumbag he was dealing with in biden

A bit simplistic jules. Ukraine had 70k troops amassed on the threshold of the donbas and were starting to bomb the shit out of civilians…that’s in the week leading up to the invasion