Covid 19 šŸ- It's Back Baby!

Iā€™m against the death penaltyā€¦even for the politicians, scientists etc who exploited, steered and manipulated this. Butā€¦

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youā€™ve been morally outraged since this thing began. I imagine itā€™s a hard state to sustain

They shoud have S.A.D. warning index on the wester like the pollen count

Being constantly morally outraged isnā€™t going g to change the situation or influence political decisions. Giving out is great craic if you dont do it to expect change but just to get a rise out of people

Anyone with an ounce of common sense knew that these restrictions wouldnā€™t be lifted till the end of February at the earliest. I think most people think they will go on till at least Easter so anything before that would be a bonus. Plus most people have lost any faith in the government and basically anything the government says is just taken as spin.

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it might be for you sham.

Someone is on the other end of that, thatā€™s actually one hell of a selfish cunts way of living

The stories from the weekends would get people through Monday and Tuesday and shur from Wednesday on youā€™d be looking forward to the following weekend.

Even during the weeks thereā€™d always be something to do or somewhere to go too.

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I presume this thread was to look at what happens after the covid, not to turn into another pity party

Thereā€™s no point planning about the after math until Borris opens up the pubs and crowds at PL on the mainland.

Then we can start planning.

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Covid is going nowhere. We will manage to reduce its fatality rate and severity through a mix of vaccine and natural gained resistance and it might become less potent over time but its with us now. Eventually it will be just another nasty winter bug to avoid for the majority of people.


In Ossory?

You become what you practice and therein lies the problem.

Theyā€™d fight the covid there

Its great fun. Unfortunately you canā€™t do it in a group of friends. Tone expression etc Unfortunately cannot be conveyed across the Internet

Itā€™s like what happened during the famine.

One good thing about Covid is it has turned the right wing mentallers in to socialists*

*if you ignore their indifferent attitude to the elderly and sick.

Whatā€™s good about socialism?

Concern for your fellow citizen as opposed to self centredness is the key to being content.

Black 21

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And faux socialist demand you conform to guildlines or your cancelled. Worlds fucked