Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

Except that didn’t happen where they didn’t lockdown.

It would have looked pretty similar all told.

Where’s the economic catastrophe you had warned us of?

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In Sweden? Didn’t see one as predicted by many. Longer term impacts of border closures are clear in Zero Covid paradises.

I said that lockdowns were unsustainable, which they were. We were absolutely fucked if a vaccine hadn’t come along.

The signatories of the Barrington Declaration reckoned a vaccine was years away and that herd immunity was the way to go.

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You always quote them as if they are the only people who criticised lockdowns.

I’d have happily have waited for 6 months for a guaranteed vaccine that worked, on the proviso that certain insane restrictions weren’t in place like distance restrictions and outdoor recreation limits.

The problem was no vaccine. We were lied to with the initial lockdowns as they were supposed to be to gain time to improve testing etc. Didn’t happen and they just became a dangerous crutch.


You’d have to say this thread was bumped at the optimum time. The decks have been cleared on:

  • Spock vs the team of forklift drivers, goat herders and database administrators from Gibraltar.
  • Which death-trap/kip will host the hurling quarter finals
  • The pros and cons of almost all of Declan Hannon’s potential replacements

Only the re-emergence of a submersible from the depths of the North Atlantic can save us now.


Every single one of the covid fanatics have been proven wrong on everything and its driving them absolutely nuts


How can somebody possibly argue that the time they opened food only pubs that you could only stay in for two hours was a smart idea?

It literally spread Covid.

The let it rip nutcases would remind you of Stephen Kenny’s most fervent supporters.

“He’s going to make Irish football great again!”

Every successive defeat and shite performance is taken as more “proof” of how “right” they were.

The lads who hid under the bed from Covid were the same lads who wanted a war between two nuclear powers. The lads who wanted to seal our borders to everybody during Covid now call anybody a racist who says we should have some controls on our borders.

You actually couldn’t make it up.


No one can arrive without a vaccine, unless they are everyone

No passport
No vaccine
No problem

Lads advocating a vaccine with an initial six weeks protection, a heap of side effects and which ncreases the chances of being hospitalised
You have to admire such devotion to their new religion


The same fools then moved onto Ukraine, Transgender shit and now climate change. Basically a woke rent a mob


They all masturbate to pictures of Elon Musk, repeating “I’m Elon” to themselves in the same way Alan Partridge said “mooooooo”.

When they’re not doing that they’re masturbating to pictures of Joe Rogan.

You don’t have much of a record of accurately identifying risks for hospitalisation, do you?

Given that you steamed in in support of wife beater Rory Gallagher and vilified Nicola Gallagher, like.

The vaccines now have negative efficacy, so anyone getting a shot now is more likely to be hospitalized than those not getting a shot.


You’d honestly want your head examined to still be putting that shite into you.

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Yes, you’re more likely to be hospitalised with covid, and a long list of other conditions. Everything from infertility to heart attacks to vision problems. I believe the latest data suggests that the risk of cancer increases after vaccine but declines fairly quickly thereafter. I suppose thats something.

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FYI @Bandage

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Look, there is zero point in going back and back over the same ground. Yes, the period was one of the most important of all our lives but that period is over. I acknowledge how much study you did on the topic, which is admirable, but you still just could not grasp – cannot grasp – the moot issue, which is the society-paralysing aspect of the virus. Relatively few people are in thrall to right wing ‘libertarian’ anti state intervention in all circumstances ideology. A significant majority of people would have self locked down, so to speak. You can disagree with this perspective, as is your right, but the relevant facts, as I have outlined, are on this perspective’s side.

Did I want to be locked down? Absolutely not. In and of itself – but also because the situation cost me not just money but time – and time can never be recouped. Do I think there was any serious alternative to lockdowns in 2020 and 2021? No, alas.

Your basic position has never altered: ‘Let the virus rip.’ I think, with every sort of sound reason, that position is not just unconscionable but ridiculous.