Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

People leaving are taking our money?

The only thing more pathetic than a fool is an old fool.

Old… Bless. You have been humiliated again, you poisonous moron.

Anyone could be you and anyone could do your job and anyone – sufficiently badnatured and dumb – could think your thoughts. You are merely a drain into which everything runs via the gravities of stupidity.

They are taking your money, every week! And they are going to marry your daughters!

Are deaths still higher than Covid Years?

I believe so ger

You confused emmigrants and immigrants you twat.

You’ve ritually humiliated yourself in last number posts here but this again is not unusual as you seem to do it quite frequently. Your trigger was being called out for your bullshit, something you obviously never adjusted to with age.

If you want to ask a question about immigration go right ahead. This is the laugh at you covid-19 thread but knock yourself out pal.

The people who attended Cheltenham were actually heroes.


Haven’t really looked into or thought about it since.

Theres certainly enough statues built to them in the graveyards

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No, I did not, as prior post demonstrated. Had a typo from typing fast. Typo now corrected.

Funny enough, now that I think of it, a typo is a state, easily correctable. Being a poisonous moronic fuckwit is a condition, impossible to alter.

You have a condition.

Keep on about my age for want of anything significant to say. Most amusing. Do you want to mention I am not quite six foot rather than six foot four? Or that I am left handed rather than right handed? That I have size ten feet rather than size 11 feet?

Keep going. Most amusing. You are just showing up yourself, over and over. Why you are so obsessed with me, only you know. Same as the other gobdaw, I suppose.

Anyone could be you and anyone probably is you.

The immigrants are going to marry my daughters! And live in a free gaff nearly as big as their mickeys!


The Covid -19 thread.

It might be time you go for a walk

Literally everyone with a functioning brain now accepts Sweden got it right.

You don’t shut down society because of a virus that’s a threat to less than 1% of the population. In 2020 there were roughly a million Americans hospitalized with Covid, over 90% were clinically obese and had obesity related diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure.

Covid was a pandemic of the fat and a wake up call for a society addicted to shite food and couch dwelling.



The one person who I know and has long Covid is, and I’m not going to lie here*, is overweight to say the least.

*watching too much Love Island.

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This grasping at Swedish straws is an extraordinary phenomenon.

Smiley face, smiley face…

You utter laughable nothing.

Daddy, I don’t want someone like you, someone like everyone else. I want to shack up with Ahmed! He’s gorgeous! And gets free money!

The obese, whiskey nosed hack was scared shitless of a mild respiratory disease while people who looked after their diet and kept active weren’t.

The hack wanted society closed down because he neglected his own health with his indulgent lifestyle.

What an entitled arsehole.

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You can mess about with this site. I’m a dullard obviously but ireland currently seems to be running at around 17% above what might be expected. …from what I’ve red elsewhere the deaths ate spread across all age groups

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The let it rip merchants still managing to call it wrong even with the benefit of hindsight. Too baselessly arrogant to stay quiet about how thick they are.


You need to forgive her and move on