Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

I’d say there could be a rethink in working from home policy for some employers. It’s cheaper for them and if they can still see productivity then it is actually cheaper for them. Any of the poor cunts sitting in cars on the M7 and the M4 and M50 for 4 hours per day should start demanding it too, at least for a few days a week anyway.


Harsh. I just hope he’s really sick after it. Not dead.

I’m putting in 14-15 hour days at the moment but sure beats the commute

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The real heroes in all this have been the IT teams who made the remote working possible. They should be given a special award for services to the country.


The Happy Pear in the airport will close permanently


I think the suggestion that the US emerges from this in a stronger position than China, or in a position to “destroy” China’s economy, is laughable. The US doesn’t have that ability now, and it definitely won’t have it after this.

I didn’t say any of that, why are you arguing with something I didn’t say, you know that thing you accuse everyone else of doing?

No country will do well in the short or medium term, economies are being destroyed. Due to the lies from the CCP who lied about this outbreak and convinced the WHO it wasn’t contagious up until January 21.

The US imports almost $600 billion from China, a lot of this is obviously US companies manufacturing in China. If the US were to move manufacturing and purchases elsewhere, that would do enormous damage to the Chinese economy. You can choose to believe otherwise.

You suggested the US will be in a position to destroy China’s economy. That implies it will be in a position of strength to take such and action. It won’t be. It’s a laughable thought.

I think a lot of multinationals will return to US and answer the call of patriotic duty enticed by massive tax breaks.
Supply chains will be much closer to their markets which could see another boost for American manufacturing.
EU project may never be as fragile and could be finished depending on the measures taken.

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All of that is what Trump promised to do in the last election run but none of it has happened.

Less cars on the road

More people on bikes

Airline industry destroyed

Horse racing finished

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No more jumps imported

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I think the goal posts have shifted dramatically since the last election.

Staycations will boom across Europe

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Post reported

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Huge potential to ease the housing crisis in Dublin with remote offices being set up

The Greens can’t have their kicks anymore

I’ll be booking flights to Italy as soon as it settles. Solidarity with my Italian brothers and cheap accommodation


Was nearly booking flights to Italy before this broke. Will have a look once all this settles down. Give me a chance to brush on my italian.

Don’t think murdering Liverpool fans are welcome