Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

Another pathetic attempt

Footix hates home truths

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The least folks can expect from 'TFK’s resident idiot. Keep trying kid.

No, I said the US will likely pull manufacturing from China and go elsewhere. Unless you think there will be no response to China officially blaming the US government for developing and planting the virus in Wuhan. There will be a response. You are free to believe China losing $600 billion in exports a year and all that factory capacity lying idle won’t be a problem for them.

First the US won’t do anything of the sort, second, do you know what the belt and road initiative is? The US is in decline, china will shortly be the dominant superpower, to suggest the US have the economic power to destroy China’s economy is laughable. You haven’t a clue.

Let’s agree to disagree, there are more important things in life right now.

Could Matt Cooper be right in that it could see the end of banking as we know it? Hopefully he’s right.

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Has Matt Cooper ever been right?


The ESRI says that the economy could contract by 7% and unemployment could rise to 18% this year.

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Banking has survived the Black Death, the Spanish flu, the world wars and bankings own periodic attempts to bankrupt itself. Why does Matt think this is the end?

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My hole. Banking will use this to turn the screw further. Expect a concerted campaign against cash. And higher charges on card transactions

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You’re the one who hasn’t a clue. The dollar is the reserve currency of the world and that isn’t changing any time soon. 60% + of foreign currency reserves are usd domininated, have a look where the RMB is. The CCP literally have control of every aspect of the Chinese economy economy and a near limitless supply of cheap labour and USD GDP still $7 trillion greater.

The government control and monitor every dollar and renminbi coming in and out of their banking system, it’s extremely difficult for foreign capital and investment to transition in and out of their system. I’d guess you saw some bbc report on the belt and road inititative and you think this has you clued in. They can build all the roads they want in Asia with slave labour but until they relax fx controls, open their markets up and their currency is traded openly and trusted throughout the developed world, they are a long way from usurping the US. Ever increasing automation and robotics along with the moving of supply chains is also a long term negative for them in closing the gap. In short, you’re a clueless fud. @anon7035031 has forgotten more about economics that you’ll ever know. Stick to crying about some ism or other, mate.


You sound surprised at that figure

Apologies gents I mixed up Matt Cooper with David mcwilliams. He was talking about it on his most recent podcast.

McWilliams is the greatest spoofer than ever lived. You have to admire the cunt though

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Okay. I’ll give you that one. Hobbs is also much more of a cunt. I kind of like McWilliams in a strange way. He makes me laugh


Agreed. Hobbs was far more dangerous than McW.

I think you’ve bitten off more than you can chew here fella. The US have argued for years that China is gaining unfair advantage by not letting it’s currency float. How has that gone? Have they managed to make China peg their currency fulltime? Have they fuck. The Don spent a good year trying to take them on with trade tariffs. How did that go? China owns a truckload of American debt and is getting more connected in terms of soft power in half of the world these days. The Don has often highlighted intellectual ip theft(and rightly so). Has it had any effect? Has it fuck. China could stroll in and take a shit on the white house lawn and he would have to suck it up. And he knows it and doesn’t give a fuck. He’ll continue to grift himself a load of cash, That’s what he cares about.


Stick to boiling liver mate. Not one US administration reacted for the last three decades as China stole every technology they could, including military technology. The same for Europe. Hopefully the US continue their efforts to protect the IP of US companies, the EU should do the same.

This is a sobering moment for the world, and hopefully a wake up call. The CCP put their own skins and their economy ahead of the lives of everyone on the planet. They are absolute cunts who place zero value on human life, like all communist regimes in history.