Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

Sorry for your loss. I’m sure oul fella was a lovely man, he raised a fine son. Bed of heaven to him.

Canada talking about bringing back masks, tracing and the whole @Malarkey

I have nothing more to say about Covid.

Except that I thought last weekend I had finally fallen prey, because I felt shite in ways associated with the virus – but a few tests indicated I have still to fall prey.

Thankfully, I suppose.

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Hard to kill a bad thing


Are test kits up to date sufficiently to detect new variants?

Could be a good question. Not sure. Will check out.

Felt far better on Monday. I believe drinking whiskey is a vaccine for most ailments.

Yes the antigen tests are good for all variants.


Get well soon pal, regardless of opinions id hate for anyone on here to be ill


Hup out of it

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Quite a shitty dose this time I must say.

You must be behind on your booster regime, mate?

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Have you the face nappy at the ready?

I am, no long run today either. What a dose .


Stay safe

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. If you’re off work for a few days & at a loose end, I think Tony Holohan’s memoir is being released this week.


Im getting the 19:30 red-eye to Stansted. An auld runny nose, temperature and headache won’t stop me


Extracts in the Indo today. He had a full shock of jet black hair when he was young. Time is a cruel mistress.

Make sure you are taking your daily vitamin D, deficiency is very common in Irish people. I take 50mcg a day (2000IU) and havn’t had a sniffle all year, even though was exposed to Covid multiple times. I have two family members who were very sick with Covid in summer, both young and healthy otherwise, but both have severe vit D deficiencies and were put on a high strength supplement by their doctors. Of course in true Irish fashion never picked up the prescriptions. They’re on supplements now for the past few months and are flying it, energy levels way up.


Please get your booster :heart:

For Fintan’s sake