Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

I wish we could say “agree to disagree” on topics but that’s beyond you. Oh well.

That statement of mine was not factually incorrect. I was merely correcting your usual absolutism about all of the Swedish schools closing. To that extent, my statement was 100% correct.

As discussed here at the time, Sweden is not somewhere that could act, for a variety of reasons, as an overall model. The amount of people who live on their own, for instance, is significantly higher in Sweden than in many other counties. There was also the factor that many Swedes altered their behaviour in line with ‘a personal lockdown’ when not legally required to do so. The truth remains that ‘Sweden’ is mainly a shibboleth for people who want simplistic and immediate ‘solutions’ to torturously complex problems.

By the way, I have never argued that Covid measures were largely done in most places in perfectly commendable fashion. There were mistakes without doubt and some horrendous mistakes – as you have pointed out in certain areas. My expectations are low. I expect most human activity to get bogged down in irrationality and incompetence.

But the leading questions in early to mid 2020, aside from immediate medical and public health issues, concerned prudence about social order and the medium to long term implications of creating a two tier or three tier society on the basis of medical vulnerability. You have never been willing to discuss the implications of people refusing to travel – as would have happened – if there had been no lockdown. A government cannot foster chaos – and certainly cannot foster chaos as a social experiment in coping with pandemic. Even Dominic Cummings, initially king of the headbangers, swiftly realized this truth. No proper Conservative could think otherwise.

Nearly all governments, after some initial ideology-driven wobbles, erred on the side of caution. I do not believe that emphasis, in overall terms, can be faulted.

And I think everyone, including me, should give over about Covid.

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When you apologise we can move on.

Emotionally Clingy Dog

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Alex is a fake, baby

I did a driving test in Sweden, which is very educational in the drive to prevent unnecessary deaths. The fun part was spending a few hours driving at different dictated speeds and lastly as fast as the car can go, then standing on the brakes when you hit a constructed stretch of ice to give you an idea of how long it takes the car to stop.


Drath rates normally fall in the years following a pandemic…not covid 19 though?

Pfizer’s stock is down 40% and Moderna’s 50% this year, that’s all you need to know.

Repeated boosters are destroying healthy people’s immune systems, those advocating that children and healthy adults take them should be in prison.


That’s the long and the short of it.

Youd feel for people working in that industry

The way forward is to make everyone, even young healthy people who’ve had covid already, take them and exclude them from social activities until they do.

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Sounds like you’ve recreated the internet.

Any of us left who ever had it?

Does the fella still have to put chili on his porridge?


When I did the motorbike test, they’d had a helicopter out the week before to rescue someone who had smashed themselves to bits doing the emergency braking test :grimacing:

Good question

Those who never took a test don’t count.

Oul fella, siblings, extended family e5c all dropping like flies this past fortnight. Probably just a coinkydink but the unvaccinated amongst us (myself and the kids) are untouched by the terrible affliction

Fortune favours the brave.