Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

The more jabs you have of that shit, the sicker you get


I’m not even in the top 5 pal, not yet at least.

The Mayo Clinic,sure what would they know.


The money is made on the vaccine now you see

They have a clinic now?! After losing how many All Irelands? Mayo for Sam 24

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There was a time when the mere mention would have caused a meltdown with the beige brigade

Is there a way we can do something with it by injection, like a cleansing?

Sounds like the vaccine is actually working quite well if they’re able to eat and are up and about from time to time.

What expectations did you have of the injection? It sounds like you see anything other than death as a triumph?

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Gas cunts.

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I don’t get too obsessed about it. I treat it like the yearly flu jab which I also get. The medical consensus is that both are safe. If I switch to loon mode I know where to come for medical advice.

Well over 99.99% of people who survive the virus are medical marvels

Do you think its effective at stopping sickness, infection or transmission? You just defended the vl’vaccine’ on the grounds that recipients who still got sick were at least able to eat and get out of bed “from time to time”
It sounds to me like you are a little obsessed, or indoctrinated? And I’m the loon?

Defending a vaccine that the medical professionals say has saved millions of lives seems a sane enough stance to take.

Recommending horse dewormer to prevent or cure covid seemed a tad insane to me.

You said yourself that it’s useless

I take medical advice. I don’t give it because I am not qualified to do so. If I ever need to seek medical advice from a loon then I know where to come.

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It appears you took the advice that it is safe and effective. Now you’re clearly of the view that effective means being able to eat and move about from time to time.
You poor bastard. My heart goes out to you.

Ah you wanted a treatment that kills the virus stone dead and anything ‘less than’ is useless? Medicine is a bit more tolerant thankfully.

It’s actually terrible what they’ve done to you.
These poor people are lying in bed, relying on their neighbours and barely able to move. And you’re claiming the ‘vaccine’ was quite effective?