Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

Certain hospitalised patients? Why use that term? Either treats all or none?

They’re lying in bed because they have a virus that has killed millions. They are not in bed because of the vaccine. They are recovering because of the vaccine. ‘They’ (whoever they are) have done nothing to me, but thanks for your concern. I’ll keep an eye out for ‘them’.

So this thing is actually more of a treatment for covid rather than a vaccination against covid?
Is that what you think is happening here?

It’s both. You have a lot of qurestions. Best pop off to your local health professional for more informed answers.

It was used in 2020 for patients who were hospitalized due to cytokine storm (over active immune system), it’s not that effective as an anti viral so not for broad based use. But it is effective in modulating the immune system response, just like it’s effective for RA and lupus.

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If the vaccine works why are they in bed sick after having 5 or 6 doses of it?

How did the 99%+ of people who got Covid in 2020 before any vaccine was released recover?

The European Medicines Agency have said thast frequent Covid vacccines reduce immune function and are not recommended. Eight months after vaccination immune function (the ability to fight off any infection) was reduced in individuals who had been vaccinated versus those who had not.

That’s the most up to date science, but feel free to consult with your local GP in Ballydehob for better advice.

19 months old info on a vaccine that is available for about 3 years isn’t that up to date science surely

June 2022. So it was known over a year ago that repeated doses of the vaccine reduced overall immune function. Do you think more doses since are helping?

People are free to take as many boosters as they want but the evidence suggets the only people who need it are the elderly and immunocompromised.

I shouldn’t really bite as I’m hardly going to change your mind but I did have a bit look into this as was surprised by that paper.

Turns out that the claims aren’t exactly generally accepted. Original Lancet paper quoted isn’t half as strong in its findings as this guy’s interpretation and recommends booster vaccines in certain cases.

From a bit of googling the advice from most current (2023) research recommends boosters for older people and immunocompromised and not younger healthy adults.

The HSE seems to have taken this on board and the current recommendations in Ireland, announced this week, have recommended autumn boosters for over 50s and the immunocompromised and not young healthy adults.

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That seems sensible to me, the CDC are recommending for everyone above 6 months which Indont think is warranted given how mild the disease is for children and healthy adults.

The Lancet paper is a meta analysis of dozens of studies, so of course it’s going to have different interpretations, like everything in science. A reasonsble interpretation though is why would a young healthy person take on the risk of myocarditis from a vaccine if the disease poses minimum threat to them.

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Follow the science @mikehunt

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How can Pfizer make money then though? They’ll have another vaccine in a few years to help with the effects of this one I suppose

Yep, they’re out to get you.

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Great news for those of us with pensions invested in pharmaceuticals

So is it 100%, 76% or 34% effective. So much info out there, often feom the same sources

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Go to your local medical professional with any questions. Mention that ‘they’re out to get you’ while you’re there.

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I’m just trying to deradicalise you, get you to question the 100%/26% narrative, form an educated opinion etc. There’s no need to be so tetchy

Seems legit :man_shrugging:

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Gas cunts

Yeah thats mental. No doubt we all can agree That never happened