Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

Do you suspect the WSJ is attempting to start a World War?

I wonder has anybody who owns an American newspaper ever tried to start a war before.

The heart is a muscle too

interesting to hear radio adverts highlighting the dangers of blood clots :scream:

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Seems to be a lot of it going about

Covid causes blood clots?

I believe so in some cases,
The implication is that it’s the vaccine though?

Vaccine needs to be pulled. Risks far outweigh the benefits.

If only there was some way of comparing and contrasting the stats amongst countries, people, groups, etc, according to vaccination status. Like, take a country like australia, where the vaccine was introduced before the arrival of covid, or maybe some eastern European countries where they had covid but where the vaccine wasn’t so popular?
It would probably be easy to disprove a link between the mrna shot and blood clots, myocarditis, cancer, turbo cancer, infertility etc. Easy conversation to have…

Ive no Idea.

Is there a country where the vaccine uptake was low but blood clots were recorded as a result of COVID? I’ve no idea on this

2 flutes :joy:

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This chap will have the answers to all ypur Covid related questions.

It’s only an auld flu…


A cod is all it was sure.

Awkward squad members such as my my wifes grandmother are still alive and well without the experimental shots.

I suppose she was just very lucky.


I’ll take Covid every day over the Flu

The flu is naaaasty

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There is no vaccine for stupidity.


No hope for you so.

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Genetic luck.

You lost, twice.
