Covid 19 šŸ- It's Back Baby!

Get well soon old pal. I never tested with whatever i had before Christmas but i suspect it was RSV rather than COVID but who knowsā€¦ Took 3 weeks, antibiotics and steroids to clear the cough and Iā€™m still bringing up green shite. Thank fuck i didnā€™t have a dodgy vaccine floating around my system on top of that. Iā€™d probably be dead.

Those tests arenā€™t worth a wank. Theyā€™re all about viral loads whatever that is. I was testing negative on them back in 2021 but when the whole family went to the drive in test places where they rammed the bastard things up your nose , i tested positive.

Thought antibiotics were of no use for viral infections?

Glad to read.your parents are recovered and healthy

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While it have dropped off here, Iā€™ve two pals still flogging these in Scotland and making a mint. Testing apparently still a regular thing. Weird

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Is this them?


Nope but one on the right Iā€™d offer friendship to.

Who am I looking at?

Baroness Mone (y)

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I think the logic is to stop secondary infections setting in

Presumably it was a fake illness and he hasnā€™t really died, or perhaps he never even existed, let the headbangers at it with their conspiracy theories.

7 of extended family had it over Christmas including the flame thrower. Bro in law was very sick for two days but the rest had head cold symptoms. None are vaccinated. My mother (non vaxxed) stayed with us over Christmas and was a close contact to all and she either developed no symptoms or didnā€™t contract itā€¦ Same for my two kids and myselfā€¦ Tho i had what i suspect to be rsv about a month ago but could have been COVIDā€¦ But then all the above still holds true as the family didnā€™t develop anything from me.

Sounds like youā€™re running a tight ship there boss. Keep up the good work

According to a new study from the University of Birmingham, modelling used to forecast the effects of diseases, such as Covid-19, can significantly overestimate the number of infections that will occur in an epidemic ā€œwaveā€.

Samuel Johnson, Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics at the University of Birmingham, who conducted the study said: ā€œIt has been known for a long time that the properties of social networks are important for epidemic spreading, we can see this in action when those who were exposed to Covid-19 through mixing with infected individuals were contacted to let them know of their exposure. But because we do not have a way of knowing the whole network of millions of people, modellers usually do the best they can and assume random mixing, i.e. that anyone could infect anyone else. The problem is that the properties of this network can completely change the outcomes predicted.ā€

The research considers that if these networks are heterogeneous, meaning that some people have a lot more contacts than others, then epidemic ā€œwavesā€ may be much smaller than predicted by standard models. Dr Johnson continues: ā€œThis is partly because fewer people get infected for a given transmissibility. But also, if you look at data on infections through a random-mixing lens you will overestimate transmissibility, and these two errors compound each other.ā€

In the paper, a simple version of these models shows two epidemic waves looking initially the same, but in the random-mixing case nearly 90% of people eventually become infected, whereas on a ā€œscale freeā€ (heterogeneous) network it is only 20%.


It was all a cod


What a surprise

They spelled ā€œmadeā€ wrong.

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What a time to be alive.

Havenā€™t read the article but youā€™d hope the WSJ has done all their due diligence on this and the veracity of the claim is certain before launching this rocket.

Cos shit like this coming at a time like now, when all manner of intl disputes seem to be breaking out, could add significant spark.

Yes, the WSJ are notorious for going for sensationalist headlines. The Sun of Wall Street they call them.

Ah, they werenā€™t without them during COVID. And, as you might have noticed, the subject matter is yet again covid

Forgive my skepticism of all media. A hangover from COVID hard lost.