Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

Photo please!


I’ve the same wan.


Fantastic job.

I saw that beer in Lidl.
What’s it like?

They’d no German beer the same day.

Ah it’s nice tbf. Too nice

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Thats patio furniture, not garden furniture. Can you get anything right?

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I do what I’m told. Keeps me out of trouble

I’ve had a bad auld headcold there the last week, I didn’t even think of the old corona. I’d say it must be it. The amount of snot is unreal so it is.

I’ve a head cold now too.

I had that head cold a couple of weeks ago but came up negative on an antigen test. Other colds out there too with this changeable weather.

I think the hopper has it. He’s been asleep all day. Says it’s the worst he ever felt.

And on a Sunday. Imagine.

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Hasn’t had a drink since Tuesday.

Fair enough. Leave the lad alone

Every second person in Caherdavin seems to have the Covid.
Nobody seems to care any more though.

I haven’t had it myself yet as far as I know but a lad I was drinking with Sunday went down yesterday.
Are they still handing out boosters and the like?

Yes, but even the woke lads have copped on by now. I’d say there’ll be one more covid rebrand before moving on to a new pandemic

Anti-vaccine conspiracist Steve Kirsch has a massive fuck off detached retina. I’m surprised he’s running into the arms of medical science when there surely must be a homeopathic cure or something.

Personally I’d blame vaccine shedding by other people for his detached retina.

Are people still dying after taking the vaccine?

100% of people who have gotten the vaccine will die.

I guarantee this.

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