Crap TV programmes from years ago

Excellence of Execution’s post about Theresa Lowe got me thinking about this.

Remember Where In The World? It used to be on at 8pm every Sunday night (before Glenroe!). Can’t really recall much of the format. Think it was family based and they’d have all these geography questions. What a load of penis it was. ;D

Then there was Know Your Sport with George Hamilton and the Memory Man, Jimmy Magee, on Monday nights (I think) at 7pm. There was 4 competitors every week and the prize was a KYS umbrella or something! In fairness if you posted a high score you made the knock-out stages later in the series where the prize was generally a trip to a Grand Prix or Irish international or something. One round was a complete rip off of the specialist round in Mastermind so you’d have these lads getting 60 seconds to answer questions on their specialist topic, ‘The FBD Milk Rs 1982-88’, and stuff. One round the senile Jimmy Magee used to start waffling on about the mystery guest and you had to buzz in and guess who it was as Jimmy went through his clues. Then the guest would walk out from behind with a big cheesy grin and George would interview him for a while. Then as he departed backstage he would shake hands with the 4 competitors across the studio. The final round was the dreaded buzzer round - many’s the lead I witnessed being heartbreakingly thrown away here.

Magic stuff. Bring back Know Your Sport now. Think I might start a campaign about this. hi5

Bandage, you called the thread “Crap TV programmes from years ago” yet 90% of your post was about how great Know Your Sport was !!

Christ I hated Know Your Sport - don’t think we were allowed watch it in my house because Mr Rock Senior hated both Hamilton and Magee. Magee told us the result of the 1987 Cycling World Championship before RT’s (delayed) coverage had started which was the final straw for Rock Senior. Think he rang RT to ask for Magee’s head on a plate that day.

Does anyone remember a quiz show on RT on weekdays where competitors had to control a board divided into quarters? It was incredibly complicated and nobody really knew how to play. A guy might get a question wrong and then be asked what square he wanted to control or something and nobody knew how to do it properly. Can’t remember the name of it for the life of me.

Fair point, well made!

No idea what the RTE quiz programme was, rocko.

Remember there was a girls versus boys ‘Charades’ programme on RTE1? I think Twink was the lady captain but I can’t recall who the bloke was. Maybe Derek Davis?

Play The Game Bandage !!! And it was Derek Davis with Ronan Collins refereeing

I remember the show Rock but for the life of me I cant remember the name of it - it’ll come to me though !!

I remember that show alright im pretty sure it was Dodge the Question presented by Jonathan Philbin Bowman. Did it go off air because he died, i can’t remember

Yeah that was it. Impossible to understand when you watched it unless you knew the rules.

Live At 3 with Derek Davis and Thelma Mansfield.

My granny used to send poems into this and they’d read them out. hi5

Cant believe nobody has mentioned Blackboard Jungle !!!

Talkabout with Alan Hughes.

Echo Island I couldn’t stand.

That Gerry Ryan show on a Saturday night. Cant think of the name.

Echo Island was class, Dara 'Briain before he moved onto bigger and better things :slight_smile:

Don’t Feed the Gondolas was a show I didnt like either.

That was a class show imo. Brendan O’Connor was actually good on that, Dara O’Briain was getting away from the whole Echo Island thing and Moncreif was class.

“Hello, my name is Monica Looley”

FAO Bandage, maybe this thread should be renamed “TV programmes from years ago”

Talkabout was dreadful cheap stuff. Live at 3 was an astonishing waste of time. No idea how long it went on for (probably only an hour) but it was sickening sitting at home in the summer waiting for it to end, though I think it was followed by A Country Practice which wasn’t terribly exciting.

Gridlock another game show which Derek Mooney was host. You had to get accross a board while answering questions. I think there was various things you couldnt do which made it hard to understand.

Frank Clarkes Simply Painting. Can still be caught on Rte early on the weekends. He goes to some place. Picks something to paint and then as he is doing he gets the hairdryer out to “dry” the paint. There would always be seagulls in the pic too. ;D

That Gerry Ryan show was called Secrets afaik. Utter tripe.

Can’t believe flano rates Don’t Feed The Gondolas. It gave that complete cunt (he’s such a cunt I won’t even change the spelling) Brendan O’Connor the profile from there to continue on our airwaves up to and including now.

You know I think I was talking about Gridlock and not Dodge the Question earlier. Did Gridlock have a stupidly complicated board that was impossible to understand?