- knock them down
- keep them
0 voters
I can imagine @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy voting to knock down the row of Georgian houses to build the ESB offices in the 1970s in the name of “progress”
What benefit do they give apart from being apparently ‘iconic’?
Exactly. They’re fugly
all progress (vandalism to you and me) is fine by him unless they ever threatened to knock down his colonial bastions of the YC and LTC in malahide
Would it be cheaper to knock them and rebuild them as viewing towers or something
THE PLAN by the ESB in the early 1960s to knock down 16 Georgian houses on Dublin’s Fitzwilliam Street to create a new headquarters was strongly opposed by preservationists, including the newly re-activated Irish Georgian Society. But their influence was not strong enough to prevent the demolition, partly because of the still prevalent view at the time that Georgian architecture was, like the country mansions of former landlords, a symbol of past oppression.
The case against demolition was well put by an article in Country Life, reported on by The Irish Times today in 1962, although its provenance would have done nothing to change the views of those who saw this type of architecture as alien.
Preservation of Georgian Dublin
An article in Country Life states that it would be unreasonable to try to preserve Georgian Dublin in its entirety. “Old buildings decay, new types of buildings are needed, people live in a different way,” it says. “Ireland is not a rich country, and the amount it can spend on its architectural monuments is limited.”
none - ugly & a symbol of air pollution
build something useful in its place
They are one of the few remaining examples of Dublins industrial heritage.
real progressive vs anti progressive split in the voting
Fooleys stop building houses in Kingstown attitude vs his preserve this eyesore attitude here is comical
To the international business traveller they’re a sign of coming home and the long road we’ve travelled as a people and a nation.
Why does @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy want to erase our history and remove an iconic image of the Dublin sky line.
What would Caneletto have painted as he walked the shoreline and looked towards the heavens.
They are a part of Dublin’s Fair City.
Harry Crosbie had a great idea to turn them into a tourist attraction. You can see Wales from the top on a fine day I believe. When he was a chap, the kids used be climbing up on them.
when Harry Crosbie is an advocate for something you know its a shit idea
ok guys, i see the Greens want to make this a protected structure so I have pivoted on this
You have to feel @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has badly misjudged the mood of the forum about the Poolbeg towers from his ivory tower.
The first time I ever stayed in Dublin was in the Tara Towers Hotel in Booterstown and seeing the iconic chimneys across the bay made me fall in love with this great city.
youre only the second person ive known to have stayed there. its a pile of rubble now