Cunt Of The Year 2016

+1. Also, if you say his username quickly, you get a very naught word indeed. :smile:


If a police horse had shit outside the Sears Tower it would have held more interest for the locals than the rugby match…

Because the Irish behave like a pack.of narcissistic 4 year olds?

Cheers Fagan, that means a lot coming from such a respected and insightful poster like yourself.

Any lad who wears those pants that come just above the ankle and no socks.

What a complete cunt.


I’m nominating a chap called Leo Sherlock, one of a small but growing and increasingly vocal neo-conservative weirdo types populating the alt-right fringes of the Irish media.

Leo is the robo-conservative type who spoke exclusively in clichespeak from the audience during last night’s Late Late Show. He’s the brother of pro-life misery monger Cora Sherlock.

Leo runs a right-wing “news” website, the name of which I’d rather not mention, which is extremely inaccurately named, but a good reverse analogy for its name would be if I started a website called “The Conservative” to print communist propaganda. The website makes look like the New York Times, the Guardian and the Sunday Business Pot put together such is it awfulness.

The website engages in widespread plagiarism of articles which it passes off as its own, without giving any credit to the publication or journalist who produces the content.

Leo also has a penchant for writing bullying tweets, such as this one to a woman who went public about travelling for an abortion:

He also has a penchant for setting up pseudonyms on internet forums or comment sections whenever people expose what he does, to legally threaten people for printing his name (he always laughably claims to be a random unconnected person while doing so), despite himself publishing his contact details including his mobile phone number for public consumption on the contact page of another website he owns.

There’s some hilarious reading about him in the following links.

Sure enough Leo gets involved to threaten people in the comments section of the Dublin Inquirer article, and posts some utterly hilarious stuff in the thread, such as naming himself as a target for murder, such as, from page 47:

[quote]I forcefully reiterate Tom O’Gorman was a political activist and he was brutally murdered with reasons still not fully known.
Leo Sherlock’s life is potentially endangered with his private information displayed in the manner which it is in this thread.[/quote]

The Facebook page of his website runs “competitions” with prizes of holidays and such in order to attract “likes”, and boy has it been successful. Nobody ever found out the identity of the winners. though.

Quoting a comment from the Dublin Inquirer article, Leo’s clickbait site was the 612th most visited website by Irish internet users as of June 7th, 2016, yet had 317,325 Facebook “likes” as of that date. By comparison, RTE, the 18th most visited website by Irish internet users, had 246, 599 “likes”.

As of the time I write this post, Leo’s clickbait site has 414, 485 Facebook “likes”. I really wonder how he could have got them. :smile:

The chap is a loon and a fantasist.

Please log in here, Leo (under a pseudonym, while claiming it’s not you), you fucking cunt.


Alan Kelly gave a fine performance on RTE radio this morning demanding more for the Limerick-Ballybrophy rail line


edit: wrong thread.

It was great stuff from Alan.

Does it annoy anyone else when pundits on TV say ‘Football Club’ everytime after mentioning a team.

Eg “This is not good enough for Liverpool Football club. Liverpool Football club deserves better… “

Does my head in. We get it, they are a FOOTBALL CLUB.

Anyway they are cunts.


I think David O Leary may have started that carry on. He was some man for scutter talk.

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Kenny Cunningham a particular offender .

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Matt Cooper. Whingy and fawns over rugby!


Dick Spring.

For very obvious reasons and no, not the one about his ‘guest’ passenger in 1981 in that car crash where another man was killed.



I suppose we’ll have to wait another six months for Batt to come back and explain this one… and throw a few fucks into Elvis. It does break up the year nicely though.


Frank Cushnihan climing up the ranks

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Does the Irish-only rule preclude sons of Ulster?

Good shout…Whether eligible or not there’s no doubt Frank should be well up there.
