Cunt Of The Year 2016

i’ll bet you won’t hear too much anti-English guff out of him down at the tennis club.


That’s a clamping.

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That’s a clamping.

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thats a serious clamping

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I’d say the_selfish_youngfella dreamed of captaining the English cricket team as well, back in the day.


Id rather captain the English cricket team than captain an all Ireland winning bogball or stick stick team.

Don’t ever deny your true nature, mate.

A cracker

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silly , immature post
everyone who goes for a job interview is in effect whoring oneself to a corporate of sorts,
its called earning a living you dope, he probably gets paid an awful lot for doing fuck all because there are fish like you who tune in to this rubbish
he’s also after a divorce and if he didnt get himself sorted with a bit of work could probably be in a situation of sorts in a while


Sickening cultural insularity and othering from Abu Hamza McNulty.

It’s people with this type of mindset that are responsible for genocides.

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My pal @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy confirmed my assumption and we moved on. Weird little Sidney looking for another internet battle late at night. What brought you out of the darts thread?

You need to stop living in your own little mono-cultural bubble and stop feeling so threatened by others, Abu Hamza.

You’re a small-minded, insular little individual who has a superficial superiority complex, but also, more importantly, a much more deep seated, and even bigger inferiority complex.

You simply can’t conceive that anybody would have different views to yourself.

You exhibit all the signs of being psychologically very similar to the likes of Khalid Kelly.

Classic signs of a psychopath.

Where have I exhibited a fear or threat from others? TSG porports to hate England but in the next post he said he would captain their cricket team. Surely this is contradictory. What do you think?

Edit: Tell us more about Khalid Kelly, you claim to understand his motives in life.

i love England mate

hate British imperialism though

you are a full on psychopath

Coz Sidney said so? :joy:

Because of your actions and behaviours

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You’ve never observed an action of mine in your life. What are you on about?

going to the local hotel to read a book and gaze at the tourists staying in the hotel

etc etc

How does that weigh up against slavery?

Checked to post #407

Niamh Horan
Heather Humphreys and her Ireland’s Call treachery.
Philip Ryan
Ronald Quinlan
the doorman from Mat the millers in kilkenny who was caught standing on some lads head who was being held down by another doorman.
John Doyle
Simon Harris
Gary “Psycho” Walsh
Shane Curran.
Michael Fitzmaurce and Ming Flanagan who wouldnt know where Kinvara is.
JP McManus
Laurie Penny – ineligible
James Nesbit
Bridie from Ardrahan
Amanda Brunker
Eoghan McDermott
Tom dunne
Aidan Coughlan
The bearded hipster Gobshite in the AXA red line ad.
John McGuire from Quote Devil.
David Begg making an early break for it
Ivan Souptaker Yates. Scalder cunt.
Kyle and Shirley - backed by AIB.
These 2 cunts from the Bank of Ireland Mortgage add
All those who give Mary Hannafin their first preferences in the General election.
John Delaney.
Gay Byrne
Niall Breslin
Enda McNulty.
Denis O’Brien
I nominate John Bruton.
JP McManus
Ray D’Arcy
John Bruton.
Twat Rabbitte.
declan lynch
Lee Carsley
KPMG Marketing
Conor O’Shea.
Anton Savage
Martin Breheny.
Niall Boylan 4fm talkshow host and staunch West Brit.
Mick Galway.
Enda kenny, with his snakey whataboutery full of shit wankerism. And he is a turncoat sell out cunt
Baldy Noonan… He will be hated by one all this time next year.
Phillip Boucher Hayes
Peter Sutherland
Ivana Batshit
Carl/Karl Kinsella of J*
The Zimbabwean lad who tried to take on Deano.
Dr Peter Meagher, consultant plastic surgeon, the Beacon Hospital Dublin. Also served as medic for Gonzaga College in the Leinster Schools Cup and attempted to have a concussed player potentially kill himself on the field of play.
Oliver Callan
Nominee: Regina Doherty, Fine Gael TD
Reason: Excusing an unprovoked, Loyalist sectarian massacre (carried out by an off-duty RUC officer) in 1992 in which three Catholics died, and claiming it was Gerry Adams’ fault.
The entire Moran family of Morans at the Weir fame.

Niall Collins
Radio rugby commentator Michael Corcoran.
Big Bob Casey
The Man City Keepet
Every cunt that voted for the drug dealers apologist, Collins and those that put two blueshirts into seats in Limerick.
Jack chambers. Fiana fail.
John Drennan.

Eamon Dunphy FF
Jarlath Burns
Cian @ProperChurch Healy.

This Dr Julien Mercille cunt that’s on TV3 now. He’s one annoying preachy cunt.
John Duggan.
Patsy McGarry of the Irish Times

ruth the dud
kevin myarse
Philip Boucher Hayes

John macintyre.
Kevin Myers
Gordon D’Arcy.
Thomas Byrne TD.
Jack O’Connor of Siptu

Bob Geldof.
Michaella McCollum.
Alison O’Reilly of the Irish Mail, for preying on the greiving mother in the Buncrana pier tragedy and then using her comments as a splashy page 1 “exclusive” when the mother was under the impression she wasn’t being interviewed.

Frank Flannery.
Used his influence in Rehab to get contracts for his own companies. Some of these were offshore I believe. Invoiced Rehab for hundreds of thousands when he was a director for “consultancy services”.
Despite being on the media constantly discussing politics for decades as a FG advisor, he refuses to appear in front of Dail Public Accounts committee to explain Rehab payments made to him to lobby government.
Now he can’t say how his name pops up in the Panama Papers, which mention a deposit of €250,000 from an undeclared offshore bank account. Cunt. Blames is all on his accountant, who is dead, conveniently.
Michael Healy Rae

Barry Cowen.
He’s come across as an absolute cunt every time he’s appeared in the media since the election.
A real typical sleeveen Fianna Fáil prick with that permanently perplexed expression on his face and a load of “cute hoor” soundbites.
He was interviewed on Six One earlier and asked about Irish Water being a red line issue.
“We’ve got no red lines, blue lines or clotheslines”, he replied.

Pat Rabbitte
Noel Dempsey
Ursla Hannigan is an utter cunt
Niall Collins. Another cunt of beyond epic proportions.

MicheĂĄl Martin and Simon Harris.
Kevin McStay.
Paddy Joe Burke is his name.
Claire Underwood.
Cunt extraordinaire.
Paul McGinley - golf commentator, public speaker and compulsive liar.
@Raylan’s friend who stole all the money given to the bride and groom at a wedding.
Sickening behaviour.
Ronan “ROG” O’Gara.
Mouse Morris
59-year-old Teresa Wall from Rathingle Cottages, Swords, Co Dublin - €40K for cutting her knee while hillwalking…bitch
I’ll nominate Alison O’Reilly (Irish Daily Mail) who’s already been nominated.
Used two children as props to get into Louise James’ home to get the “exclusive interview”.
Lowest of the low type of stuff.

Niall Carew
Roddy Doyle.
Katherine Zappone
John Horan.
Mark Lawrenson
Dinny O’Brien
Anton Savage
Sandra - The Cork slag who plays rugby and was a contestant on Winning Streak.
Georgina Heffernan - Magpie Magazine.
Des ‘the biased snivelling little cunt of West Ham fan’ Cahill.
Nicky Byrne.
Matt ‘soup taker’ Cooper.
Simon ‘Zeebs’ Zebo.

Paddy “japery” Jackson
Rory McIlroy
Ruby ‘the Cunt’ Walsh??
Eoin Doyle. A cunt.
I’m nominating the cunt on the train that’s smoking a faux wooden e-pipe. I did a double-take as I walked past him, because he looked like such a complete cunt tooting away on a fake pipe (in flagrant disregard for Irish Rail rules), and then the zinger… the cunt is only shopping for Nazi memorabilia online.
Al Porter
Niall Horan
Eddie Brennan
Brian Cody.
Derek McGrath. For ruining hurling.
Niall Quinn
Gerald Kean
Liam Doran]
Jim McGuinness
Fiona Looney
Francis Fitzgibbon
Barry McGuigan.
Tony O Donohue
Bob Geldof.
Una mulally