Cunt Of The Year 2016

Thatā€™s pitiful stuff there from FitzGerald.


A useless cunt


Haughey and Bertie were the only two leaders in the history of the state that deserve the title. Itā€™s no coincidence they oversaw the two most prosperous periods in Irish history. Hopefully thereā€™s another similar leader waiting in the wings to oversee the next economic expansion.


ah stop, twould make you sick, you have another crowd on here, the fine gael lads, even worse than the pretend ira lads, talking shite about that failed leader noonan, i am just thinking there, Paxman V Tubridy encapsulates that relationship of the strong British person v the meek, servile paddy

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Almost cuckold like behavior from Fitzgerald. I reckon he was the kind of lad to bring home Ron Jeremy to have his way with his wife back in the day.

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They donā€™t see the big picture and have no understanding of economics or how capitalism works. I firmly believe both Ireland and Britain will ultimately benefit greatly from Beexit. The UK will prosper by forging new economic links with developing and emerging markets, and Ireland will become the strategic link between the UK and European markets.

In contrast, continental Europe will continue its decline, disappearing up its own arse in a final surge of suicidal political correctness. Sadly the morons are too servile to challenge the status quo and will miss out as Ireland, the UK and the US dominate world commerce. After Trump puts manners on the Chinese, we will all party again.

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Thatā€™s fine Gael for ya even now you can see the fg lads sitting in a corner with their thumbs up their asses muttererung while their wives are being pummeled by some other lad


England has nothing to sell

They have brains mate. In the knowledge economy, brains are all that matter. All the important innovation is now coming from the US and the UK, we just have to stop the Chinese stealing it. Biggest mistake made by western economies was moving production to China, they are thieving cunts with no business ethics.


Can we get back on track here please gents.

I nominate Daryl Gurney.

@Sidney would you like me to summarize the thread?

Bernard Brogan

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What important innovation is coming from the brits?

Pharma, Biotech, Health Care, Engineering, Software, etc. Obviously Iā€™m talking about product design, not manufacturing.

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What software mate?


Go for it, kid. Sidney has lost his gra for it these last 2 years.

Mate, Iā€™m going drinking shortly so donā€™t really have time to lead you through this step by step. I get you donā€™t like Engerlund, but you have to separate your emotional hatred for the cunts from their business abilities. Software isnā€™t my field, but I am informed by people in that field that in the areas Web development, IT and Enterprise software, the UK is relatively strong (obviously not as strong as the US, but nobody is).

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The Nobel laureate responsible lives in sunny didsbury.

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  1. Alison Oā€™Reilly


Someone set up a poll