Cunts on Ghost Bikes


Cycling for leisure or cycling for transport?

I see both.

Let’s see her try to scoot up the Sally Gap then.

She’s seven years of age mate. It would be irresponsible of the parents to let her try.

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Only if they can use a pic of her on Twitter to make a point about angry drivers


You are vile

Wow, what an amazing kid to think of sharing her thoughts with a national newspaper :roll_eyes:




the cager nutjobs must be seething

Ironically, most of those bikes were probably bought by cagers.

I got a trampoline on the back to work scheme, would this count to these figures?

Fewer fucking cagers is great news. More bikes is great.

It’s made my drive to the office a lot quicker.


Do you know much about mountain bikes or just road ones? I’ve been thinking about doing a few trails when the weather clears up

im active travel only mate

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Can anyone recommend a good bike for mountain trails etc? What do I need to look for? Ill be getting it on the bike to work scheme so that’s my budget

@caulifloweredneanderthal probably your man for that.