Cunts on Ghost Bikes

No,keep them up there the fuck.

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A mate of mine bought all his baby gear buggy etc etc on the bike to work off a lad in Kerry. Was a lot of word of mouth reccomenations as to how accommodating he was…

Himself and the missus got a letter from revenue claiming back the money… He rang the shop they just said play ball we got busted there are hundreds in same boat. Revenue were fair… Took it back over 5 years though monthly deduction. Was actually v clever really the revenue made it so painless nobody would have bothered arguing the toss


Cheers. I think baby gear a bit different though!

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I was told by umpteen people to head down there for the buggy etc, I’d say it was a month later he was busted.

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There was a place in Tipp where you could get a bike or a lawnmower on the bike to work

Trampolines is the new thing now

How did you get on @Heyyoubehindthebushes?

Finally got the finance gals to sort out my one today, but probably a few more weeks before I actually get my bike. To be honest, I probably couldn’t get out on the trails at the moment anyway. It’s been tricky enough getting out there for a run, with a few checkpoints etc.

I haven’t got a chance to get in to have a look and get the quote yet. But will be hoping ti sort it the next few weeks and have the bike for when the weather is better and restrictions eased

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Are bike shops open under current restrictions? That i can go in and browse.

Also I heard a story of someone going to a shop that did bike and golf gear and got clubs woth his bike on the bike to work. Does anyone know if there is any such places around Limerick and Cork?

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy the answer has been under our noses all along. @jug_ears style railway crossings

Cyclist behaviour would need to change for that to work.

Yes, they are still open.

Don’t know any bike shop in Limerick that does golf clubs to be honest. The only one that springs to mind that does stuff other than cycling would be Adrenalin in NCW.

I took a right hopper at the crossing past Herbert’s there in my early days of cycling around 7/8 years ago.

Coming down the hill? Nice one.

Herbert’s Pub near Daly’s Cross not Herbertstown (love going up that little bump going in there though)

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I got overtaken climbing out of the goyt valley on Sunday with Naomi into a gale by two fuckers on electric mountain bikes who were chatting away like they were in McDonalds. I was unreasonably disgruntled by this turn of events.

Is bike to work scheme a casualty of covid?

I’ve been there.

I got one through it in early December

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