Cunts on Ghost Bikes

We crushed rugby.

Who is the EPL foreign dandy that knocked down a cyclist and then acted the cunt drawing the wrath of Sir whatshisface who has the 100 gold medals or whatever?
The Daily Mail says the name has been released on cyberspace (the footballer’s)

Stephen in Swansea

Who the fuck is that?

He’s not in Swansea.

You are only stoking it now Sidney.

He was only pottering around.

Having a few zz’s was he?

This is like when Polly is trying to tell Basil that the chef is drunk on the sly.

Who the fuck was it? We have no problems with libel or legal issues here, it’ll be fine.

He was speeding 'n a 30 mile an hour zon.

Ah lovely.

I feel clever now. Good player, that lad.

Cycling to work this morning I had to cross lanes to turn left. I signalled and the car in my lane let me pass, the car coming up on the left lane, which was further back than the first one sped up to cut me off, so I kept going straight across the cunt and he had to brake suddenly and beep in impotent rage. Fuck him.

Cyclists 4 lyf.

[quote=“glasagusban, post: 903180, member: 1533”]Cycling to work this morning I had to cross lanes to turn left. I signalled and the car in my lane let me pass, the car coming up on the left lane, which was further back than the first one sped up to cut me off, so I kept going straight across the cunt and he had to brake suddenly and beep in impotent rage. Fuck him.

Cyclists 4 lyf.[/quote]
Keep that up, pal. Bikes will always win against fast moving cars.


[quote=“glasagusban, post: 903180, member: 1533”]Cycling to work this morning I had to cross lanes to turn left. I signalled and the car in my lane let me pass, the car coming up on the left lane, which was further back than the first one sped up to cut me off, so I kept going straight across the cunt and he had to brake suddenly and beep in impotent rage. Fuck him.

Cyclists 4 lyf.[/quote]

You are a cunt

No, the cunt speeding up to cut me off was a cunt and you are a cunt too, you cunt.

How do you know he sped up?
How could you clock his speed given you were at the far side of a different lane and cutting across him?

Hard to disagree with any of that, in fairness.

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 903190, member: 1786”]How do you know he sped up?
How could you clock his speed given you were at the far side of a different lane and cutting across him?[/quote]
What’s your problem pal?

Lot of Jedi cyclists and pedestrians around today -they obviously have some invisible force-field that protects them when they cycle/walk in front of moving traffic. Pedestrians are worse than cyclists particularly when it is raining and people don’t want to get wet.