Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Brilliant - first time I’ve been on the bike this year.

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As you know I’ve been out and about with the trailer of late. I met a gentleman coming against me today on a push bike. He’d clearly spent a fortune on accessories and the look he was sporting far outweighed his ability - he was struggling. As it was a country road, I pulled in to give him plenty of room.

The cunt looked me in the eye as he passed without a salute or any acknowledgement of my pro social road craft.

What have you to say about that?

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Very needy by you

Keep your line next time.

There won’t be a next time. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy could have saved him but this all equal now.

You were a cowering mess.mate

I thought I’d make an effort. I shouldn’t have bothered. Pity.

Bigger fool you. Don’t give cyclists an inch… they’re absolute vermin.


Had a lovely cycle earlier. The Blackrock greenway and the Marina were still thronged at around 5pm.

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I had a right spin on the bike this morning. Instead of going straight to SuperValu I went to centra for the superquinn sausages. The road/path integration with cycle lanes is messy though. Cagers don’t care much.

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The working city and the commute is dead pal.

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all hail LTNs & the 15 minute neighbourhoods

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Cyclist cunts

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11m announced for a greenway bridge over the river corrib


It’s a pity they can’t be as quick with the galway bypass

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WHERE is 11 million going on a cycling bridge?

In Galway, it’s a greenway, not just for POBs

For context, a 2km bypass of mellow is 240m

London hotspurs Have a target of only 23% of people attending their games will arrive by car

Also London hotspurs are the most green epl team

Thought they played in white?