Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Isn’t that what all his crowd do?
Sleep all day.


Ating too much lettuce produces melatonin.

Not to mention all the methane it produces

Dashboard cam paid for.

Clearly a zebra crossing. Driver at fault.


Clearly. You’d be doing well to stop for a fella jumping a hedge though.

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You have a duty to anticipate everything when you are spinning around in two ton of metal.

This is also very true. He’d be doing well to anticipate a lad lepping over a hedge onto his bonnet all the same.

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A better one in the comments .

I’m like a young lad delivering messages to the resistance in Paris in 1943


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy new purchase


So true

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I got used to cycling to buy food (and wine) on holidays a few weeks ago. I enjoyed it.

I’ve taken my old bike out and am going to cycle to shop now to buy food for dinner instead of driving to shop as I’d normally do.

Baby steps. I’ll report back later on how I got on.


im proud of you bro

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Have you one of those baskets on the front?

so its me, @Tim_Riggins & @TheUlteriorMotive who are the main People on Bikes on the forum?

diverse enough bunch in fairness

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Something like this…

emphasized text

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I have a basket on the front handlebars of my bike. Very handy yoke to have in fairness.

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